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City of Louisville <br />Administration <br />November 1, 1994 <br />Honorable Mayor Tom Davidson <br />Honorable Mayor Pro-Tem Kevin Howard <br />Honorable Councilman Jay Keany <br />Honorable Councilman Rob Lathrop <br />Honorable Councilman Arnold Levihn <br />Honorable Councilman Tom Mayer <br />Honorable Councilman Charles Sisk <br />Dear Mayor and Members of City Council: <br />INTRODUCTION <br />The following is a summary of the budget adopted by you for 1995. It reflects the goals you <br />arrived at during the Council/Staff retreat in June 1994. You decided to continue the mission <br />statement of the prior three years, namely: deliver cooperatively and corporately the goods and <br />services the citizens of Louisville need but which they can't deliver individually; maintain the <br />character, quality of life, and uniqueness of Louisville; address the needs of all, focus those needs, <br />and achieve balance for the overall population; access those needs in the best manner possible <br />within available resources of time and finances. You discussed your vision, ways to reach that <br />vision through specific goals, and you set priorities for each of the goals. <br />Your goals are divided into "Action Goals" and "Philosophical Goals." "Action Goals" were <br />chosen to receive financial consideration as part of the annual budget for 1995 and following <br />years. "Action Goals" are divide into AAA, AA, and A priority levels. "Action Goals" with <br />priority AAA designation are to receive the highest priority for funding in the 1995 Budget. <br />"Action Goals" designated with AA priority are to be considered as part of the 1995 Budget with <br />the realization that it may be necessary to complete these goals in phases in future budget years. <br />"Action Goals" receiving a priority A designation will continue to receive attention through laying <br />groundwork; however, actual funding may have to be postponed until future years. <br />"Philosophical Goals" reflect a philosophical commitment by the City to achieve through either <br />incorporating the "philosophical" underpinnings of each goal into City programs, services and <br />policies or through the annual budget process. "Philosophical Goals" receiving a AAA/P priority <br />level designation are assigned supreme philosophical importance for incorporation into City <br />programs, services, and policies, and, possible budgetary consideration in 1995. Goals with a <br />AAUP designation are to receive a philosophical commitment to being incorporated as part of the <br />i <br />749 Main Street Louisville, Colorado 80027 (303) 666-6565 FAX (303) 673-9043 <br />