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Other financing sources make up approximately 12.0 percent of the total 1995 Budget. Other <br />financing sources consist of reserve which are excess revenues reserved in 1992 through 1994, as <br />provided by the Tabor Amendment, for appropriation in future years. <br />The remaining revenues consist of intergovernmental revenue, $873,365; miscellaneous revenue, <br />$729,875; and licenses and permits, $482,585. <br />Expenditure: <br />The 1995 expenditures include the general operations of the City, such as police protection, <br />library services, highways and streets, parks and recreation and general government. Combined, <br />these general operations account for 34.2 percent of the total 1995 expenditures. Water and Sewer <br />Fund operations account for 13.3 percent; golf course operations, 5.0 percent; and debt service <br />payments, 12.9 percent. Reserve increases, consisting of revenues that will be reserved in 1995 <br />as provided under the Tabor Amendment for appropriation in 1996 and future years, account for <br />4.2 percent. Expenditures on capital improvements for public works, the golf course, parks and <br />recreation, and water and sewer will account for 30.4 percent of the total expenditures for 1995. <br />The 1995 Budget includes an average 6.92 percent salary and benefit increase for City staff. This <br />increase is due to a reclassification of some positions amounting to an average increase of 3.42 <br />percent. This 6.92 percent increase is also due to employee performance evaluations with <br />increases possible from 2 percent to 6 percent based on performance. Fiscal Policy #22 states that <br />the City will strive to pay prevailing market rates of pay to its employees. Prevailing market rate <br />is defined to include both salary and fringe benefits. The 1995 Budget reflects a continuation of <br />the pay plan adopted in 1992 that established a "prevailing wage" for each position classification. <br />THE FUNDS <br />A discussion of individual funds, their revenues, expenditures and major highlights for 1995 <br />follows: <br />General Fund: <br />General Fund revenues for 1995 are projected at $7,445,295. The appropriated fund balance <br />carryover is projected at $115,260 for total available 1995 General Fund revenue of $7,330,035. <br />The revenue projection reflects the present level of fees and charges. <br />The General Fund expenditure budget for 1995 is $7,445,295. General Fund expenditures reflect <br />all general operational costs of the City and also a reserve of $100,000 for unanticipated <br />expenditures. <br />iv <br />