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Denied on Second Reading <br />ORDINANCE NO. 1839 <br />SERIES 2022 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 17.76 OF THE LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL <br />CODE REGARDING INCLUSIONARY HOUSING REQUIREMENTS <br />WHEREAS, the City of Louisville (the "City"), is a Colorado home rule municipal <br />corporation duly organized and existing under laws of the State of Colorado and the City of <br />Louisville Home Rule Charter (the "City Charter"); and <br />WHEREAS, the Colorado Supreme Court has recognized that both the State of Colorado <br />and municipal governments have a significant interest in maintaining the quality and quantity of <br />affordable housing throughout the state; and <br />WHEREAS, Colorado statutes require municipalities to include within their <br />comprehensive plans provisions that will promote affordable housing; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council finds the provisions of this ordinance address the following <br />housing principles of the City's Comprehensive Plan: <br />PRINCIPLE NH-5. There should be a mix of housing types and pricing to meet changing economic, <br />social, and multigenerational needs of those who reside, and would like to reside, in Louisville. <br />Policy NH-5.1: Housing should meet the needs of seniors, empty -nesters, disabled, renters, <br />first time home -buyers and all others by ensuring a variety of housing types, prices, and styles <br />are created and maintained. <br />Policy NH-5.2: The City should continue to work with Boulder County Housing Authority <br />and others to ensure an adequate supply of affordable housing is available in Louisville. <br />Policy NH-5.7: The City should define standards for low-income and affordable housing units, <br />and consider reducing or waiving building permit and impact fees for all qualifying projects. <br />PRINCIPLE NH-6. The City should define City-wide goals for affordable and low-income housing <br />through a public process. <br />Policy NH-6.1: The City should determine to what extent it would like to allow, encourage, or <br />incentivize affordable and low-income housing. <br />Policy NH-6.2: The City should develop specific and achievable actions to meet the defined <br />goals. <br />WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 58, Series 2017, adopted on November 6, 2018, the City <br />endorsed the Boulder County Regional Housing Partnership, which recommends a goal of <br />ensuring twelve percent (12%) of the housing inventory will be permanently affordable to low-, <br />moderate-, and middle -income households by 2035; and <br />Ordinance No. 1839, Series 2022 <br />Page 1 of 16 <br />