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Ordinance 2022-1839 - DENIED
2022 Ordinances
Ordinance 2022-1839 - DENIED
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10/16/2024 1:25:05 PM
Creation date
9/7/2022 1:36:34 PM
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Denied on Second Reading <br />thereby increasing the supply of housing within the City, when affordable housing is provided as <br />part of the residential development, as set forth in House Bill 21-1117; and <br />WHEREAS, because rezoning property from commercial to residential uses is optional <br />on the part of the property owner, the affordable housing required to support the rezoning does <br />not impact the investment -backed expectations of a commercial property owner or otherwise <br />constrain any existing property rights of a commercial property owner, and as such the City <br />Council finds the affordable housing offered by a commercial property owner as a basis for <br />rezoning property for residential uses must be satisfied by construction of on -site units and not <br />by providing cash -in -lieu of the affordable housing or by providing off -site affordable housing; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council is also committed to examining its zoning and land use <br />policies and to adopting appropriate amendments to is ordinances that it finds will further <br />increase the overall density and availability of housing, but that enabling the rezoning of <br />commercial property for residential uses as set forth herein will serve an essential public purpose <br />of expanding the limited opportunities for affordable housing within the City while such <br />examination is underway; and <br />WHEREAS, the provisions set forth herein are necessary to support an appropriate level <br />of residential housing within the City and provide continuing housing opportunities for very low- <br />, low- and moderate -income households to help maintain a diverse housing stock that allows <br />people to have better access to jobs and upgrade their economic status; and <br />WHEREAS, because remaining land appropriate for residential development within the <br />City is limited, it is essential that the option to rezone existing commercial property for <br />residential uses provides for a reasonable proportion of such land be developed into housing <br />units affordable to low-, moderate-, and middle -income residents and working people, <br />particularly since new housing, in the absence of interventions, tends to be large and expensive, <br />which both reduces opportunities for more affordable housing and contributes to a general rise in <br />prices for all housing in the community, thus exacerbating the scarcity of affordable housing <br />within the City; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance 1809, Series 2021 on June 15, 2021 to <br />enact inclusionary housing requirements; and <br />WHEREAS, while amending the City's zoning and inclusionary housing ordinances as <br />set forth herein does not revise existing Comprehensive Plan policies regarding rezoning of <br />property to allow residential development, the City Council finds this ordinance provides <br />necessary support for amendment of the City's other policy documents in a manner that will <br />meet the goals set forth herein; and <br />WHEREAS, based on the foregoing findings, and in furtherance of the public health, <br />safety, and welfare of the community, the City Council desires to adopt additional inclusionary <br />housing requirements set forth herein. <br />Ordinance No. 1839, Series 2022 <br />Page 3 of 16 <br />
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