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Economic Vitality Committee Agenda and Packet 2022 09 16
2022 Economic Vitality Committee Agendas and Packets
Economic Vitality Committee Agenda and Packet 2022 09 16
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9/20/2022 4:36:15 PM
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Economic Vitality Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 19, 2022 <br />Page 3of5 <br />Director Zuccaro commented that we may want to focus on where the City has <br />invested, such as landscape improvements, outdoor dining, and other areas <br />where the City has made investments for the business community. He added <br />that the Forum may also be a good opportunity to get feedback from business <br />on which areas they would like to see the City invest in. Councilmember agreed <br />that it may make sense to highlight what the City has done with its resources <br />and also asking where businesses would like to see additional investment. <br />Public Comment from Mark Oberholzer: Mr. Oberholzer responded that <br />feedback from businesses may not be directed towards new investment aimed <br />at helping them, but at policy changes to reduce the City's perceived hindrance <br />to the business community. <br />Chair Dickinson asked Specialist Brown what was needed to turn this <br />conversation into a Forum. Specialist Brown responded that he would like to <br />receive clear direction regarding a topic, speaker, and ideas regarding a <br />potential panel, in addition to the previously discussed location and date/timing. <br />Chair Dickinson reiterated that a theme would be helpful in attracting attendees <br />and would help in identifying the speaker, panel, and booths. He continued that <br />potential themes could include inflation or doing less with more. He asked for <br />additional feedback on a potential topic. <br />Councilmember Fahey commented that she would like to have a local <br />perspective on both national and worldwide issues. She continued that <br />Congressman Neguse might be an option for a speaker. <br />Public comment from Mark Oberholzer: Mr. Oberholzer commented that while <br />he would be interested in having Congressman Neguse speak and hearing <br />about big picture issues, he wondered if that would change the focus of the <br />event and take the spotlight off of the City -business relationship. <br />Dickinson responded that there could be an educational and informative <br />speaker regarding the larger topics, and a panel that can speak to how these <br />issues impacts businesses locally. He also wondered whether no speaker <br />would provide a better opportunity to explore the relationship between the City <br />and the business community. Councilmember Most agreed that a speaker on a <br />broad topic and a panel to provide more focused feedback would be valuable. <br />Public Comment from Mark Oberholzer: Mr. Oberholzer stated that discussion <br />with City Council would be the most valuable for the business community, but <br />agreed that you need a speaker with appeal to attract members of the business <br />community. <br />Councilmember Dickinson was interested in exploring a theme around "doing <br />more with less". He continued that this theme could include a 10 minute <br />Agenda Packet P. 4 <br />
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