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City Council Finance Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />08/22/22 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />Mayor Pro Tern Maloney stated that he liked the way this information was <br />reformatted. Emily Hogan refined these reports in 2020. Maloney asked what is our <br />expectations regarding retail vacancies? Maloney stated that the City needs to address <br />growth beyond the current 18% projection, and asked to make it an action item for City <br />Council. <br />A question was raised on the Facilities Maintenance sub -program regarding BTU <br />percentage change and was it changing at a negative rate compounding 20% per year. <br />Kurt Kower stated he would look into the matter. <br />8. SALES TAX REPORTS FOR THE MONTH AND QUARTER ENDED JUNE 30, 2022 <br />(page 52) <br />Jeanette Longoria, Tax Manager referred to page 55 of the packet. She stated <br />that at the end of June, 2022, sales tax revenue is trending 15.3% above YTD 2021, <br />and consumer use tax is trending 35.8% above YTD 2021. She noted that sales tax <br />revenue increased 7.5%, lodging tax increased 11.4%. However, overall budget this <br />year is down by 22%. <br />Mayor Pro Tern Maloney asked is this due to the 560 homes and many vehicles <br />that were lost in the fire? That people cannot register to their old address. <br />Longoria stated that they have to pay where they live at the new address, <br />therefore we do not get the revenue in Louisville. <br />Longoria stated that Building use tax was up by 317%, but YTD revenue <br />decreased 58.4% compared to 2021. Overall, building used tax revenue is 11.4% below <br />budget. Total used tax increased 73.9% from June, 2021, and YTD revenue is 33.5% <br />above YTD 2021. Consumer used tax is 47.3% above budget. <br />Councilmember Deb Fahey asked if some of this was due to smoke damage <br />cleanup and/or repair. <br />Director Watson stated that some of the increase could be due to the CTC as <br />they are getting large amounts of equipment. <br />Longoria stated that we can't track what individuals do to mitigate these areas. <br />Longoria referred to page 60-62 of the packet regarding monthly and year-to-date sales <br />tax revenue by industry report which represents the retail health of individual industry. <br />All industry sectors all up except Grocery. Longoria further stated that some of lost <br />revenue may come from people overstocking during the pandemic as well as the closing <br />of a S. Boulder store. <br />Mayor Pro Tern Maloney stated that once restrictions were lifted from COVID <br />people went out to eat more so restaurant revenue increased. <br />Longoria stated that inside -City sales tax revenue has increased by 6.6% while <br />outside -City sales tax has increased 29.4% compared to same period in 2021. Outside - <br />City vendors contributed the most for the 57% total increase. Restaurant revenue reflect <br />continued improvement with exception of the Louisville Plaza, McCaslin and <br />Interchange areas, missing reports most like due to fire damage and closures. <br />9. DISCUSSION ON SALES & USE TAX LICENSING (page 72) <br />Tax Manager Longoria reviewed the Sales and Use Tax Licensing new law SB 22-032, <br />Simplify Local Sales Use Tax Administration and the SUTS system. As of July 1, 2023, <br />this bill prohibits local taxing jurisdictions from requiring a retailer to apply separately to <br />