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cityof LOUISVILLE REVITALIZATION <br />Louisville COMMISSION <br />COLORADO • SINCE 1878 <br />SUBJECT: DOWNTOWN COLORADO INC., BOARD STRATEGY <br />PLANNING REVIEW MEETING <br />DATE: SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 <br />PRESENTED BY: AUSTIN BROWN, ECONOMIC VITALITY SPECIALIST <br />SUMMARY: <br />The Louisville Revitalization Commission (LRC) identified the desire to hire a consultant <br />to conduct a retreat and strategy session for the Highway 42 Urban Revitalization Area <br />(URA) as a new initiative for 2022. <br />BACKGROUND: <br />The LRC uses its Work Plan document, which was developed around broad goals and <br />potential projects, to guide agenda setting and priorities. In addition, the annual budget <br />process helps to align priorities and project funding. Although this process generally <br />serves the Commission well, there have been some discussions around how the group <br />can be more strategic and ensure that significant investments are made during the <br />remaining years that Tax Increment Financing will be available. <br />Staff approached Downtown Colorado Inc. (DCI) last year because of their expertise <br />and past experience in working with Urban Renewal Authorities. The Agreement <br />between LRC and Colorado Community Revitalization Association Inc. (dba Downtown <br />Colorado Inc.) for Consulting Services was approved by City Council during the March <br />15 meeting. The LRC adopted the Agreement at its April 13, 2022 meeting. <br />DCI hosted its first LRC Board Strategy Planning Meeting on June 9, 2022. All six <br />members of the LRC, four members of DCI, and several City staff were in attendance. <br />DCI encouraged the LRC to review its past accomplishments and identify its next steps <br />and objectives. <br />Following the first meeting, DCI facilitated an interactive walking tour and assessment <br />between the LRC, City of Louisville staff and elected officials, Downtown stakeholders, <br />and a team of DCI experts. The purpose of this session was to identify improvements <br />that will make the most significant impacts towards the community vision. <br />City Council held a joint meeting with the LRC in order to discuss the findings of the <br />previous meetings. DCI presented their findings to the group and facilitated a <br />conversation between the two groups. This conversation will help guide the LRC's <br />strategy and financial investments for the final ten years of the Tax Increment Financing <br />(TIF) period, which is set to expire in 2032. The September 13, 2022 meeting materials <br />are included as Attachment #1. <br />Agenda Packet P. 2 <br />