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Sustainability Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />November 16, 2022 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />Todd asked about the Parks and Rec meeting and the Parks equipment list. <br />Kayla will follow up with the PROS director on this item. <br />Megan asked if the EV incentives in the 2023 sustainability budget include e- <br />bikes. Kayla responded that the EV funding allocation can still be decided. <br />Megan added that EV incentives would go much further than EV or charging <br />station rebates. Kayla is working with Xcel to determine the community <br />decarbonization plan funding for 2023 and the EV budget line will supplement <br />this project. Deb added that there is a regional bike rental/share program in <br />Boulder. <br />Discussion Item — Energy Code Ordinance <br />Kayla provided a foundational summary of the ordinance. For more information, <br />view the November 2022 LSAB packet. <br />Public Comment <br />Martin Ogle: Martin suggested that solar thermal be considered in new <br />construction. Kayla added that the current ordinance does not include a limit on <br />solar and changes to the proposed solar ordinance language can be changed in <br />future code updates. <br />Tamar Kranz: Tamar asked if greenhouse gas reductions with the adopted code <br />had been evaluated. Kayla responded that greenhouse gas data was included in <br />the consultant final report and Todd added that he has recent commercial new <br />construction permit data. <br />LSAB Discussion <br />The group had a discussion about the core and shell requirements in the <br />ordinance. Then, Lev stated that outdoor heating equipment is very inefficient. <br />The group discussed not supporting the code without limitations on outdoor <br />heating equipment. The public hearing for the energy code is December 6. Kayla <br />stated that if LSAB would like to draft a letter of support, it needs to be completed <br />by November 28. Kayla will send a draft of the first LSAB letter of support for the <br />energy code. Todd asked the group for a vote. The group voted to support the <br />ordinance as written 4-2. Josh will write the letter. <br />