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LL 1ty.�-'f LOUISVILLE REVITALIZATION <br />Loulsville COMMISSION <br />COLORADO • SINCE 1878 <br />SUBJECT: 2023 WORK PLAN PRIORITIZATION <br />DATE: JANUARY 9, 2023 <br />PRESENTED BY: ROB ZUCCARO, AICP, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT <br />DIRECTOR <br />AUSTIN BROWN, ECONOMIC VITALITY SPECIALIST <br />SUMMARY: <br />The purpose of this meeting is for the Louisville Revitalization Commission (LRC) to <br />prioritize initiatives and actions that can realistically be achieved or initiated in 2023, <br />understanding LRC typically meets approximately 12 times per year. Ability to achieve <br />a project may depend on factors related to LRC or staff time constraints, partnership <br />timing, timing of private development, and City budgeting cycles. <br />Staff has provided a Draft Work Plan (Attachment#1) that summarizes known 2023 <br />projects and other potential initiatives and projects identified in the LRC's previous work <br />plan and the recommended initiatives outlined in the Downtown Colorado Inc. (DCI) <br />October, 2022 Downtown Strategy Report. The appendices starting on p. 31 of the <br />Strategy Report includes a summary Strategy Table followed by the LRC 2022 work <br />plan (Attachment #2). <br />Based on LRC feedback, staff will finalize a proposed work plan for 2023 that includes <br />projects that LRC anticipates initiating or completing in 2023 and develop an "advanced <br />agenda" for planning purposes. Other projects will be listed as "future" projects to be <br />initiated in out years. The Draft Work Plan includes some "best guess" information on <br />the potential number of LRC meetings, potential partnerships, funding and staff impact <br />to help with planning and prioritization, all of which may vary significantly on any <br />particular initiative depending the final scope and desired actions. This information will <br />be further refined based on LRC feedback. <br />Each Project or Initiative includes several "Potential Actions." These are not meant to <br />be all inclusive and LRC may wish to add to or modify the list. They are intended to <br />provide a list of potential concrete actions that the LRC may undertake to implement the <br />project or initiative. <br />Staff recommends that the LRC come to consensus on the top 5-10 initiatives and <br />provide further direction on "Potential Actions" desired to achieve the initiative where <br />appropriate. The final number of initiatives chosen for potential action in 2023 will need <br />to be calibrated to match available time and resources available to achieve a realistic <br />work plan for 2023. <br />Agenda Packet P. 2 <br />