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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 11, 2022 <br />Page 9 of 10 <br />a GDP or GDP Amendment, it's just the plat to implement the 2010 GDP. Staff did not <br />bring any of that forward as part of the discussion. <br />Diehl asks if that means we cannot bring that forward at this time from the previous <br />Redtail proposal. <br />Zuccaro says there are design standards within the subdivision plat where the <br />commission could deliberate whether or not these standards are in alignment with the <br />plat. Section 16.12.075 talks about what the commission can add as conditions. From <br />staff's point of view, it is clearer that use, height, area, or bulk requirements are <br />plausible conditions the commission could put on this proposal. <br />Krantz asks how we interpret the mandate that was given to the voters and the results <br />from that. <br />Zuccaro says the election was specific to an ordinance that dealt with a GDP proposal. <br />This proposal is for a final plat and uses the 2010 ConocoPhillips GDP. That was a <br />completely separate application. <br />Kelly says it was a zoning action from City Council, which is considered legislative law. <br />The application that is being deliberated tonight is on a subdivision plat, which is a <br />completely different type of application. It is not a legislative matter. What happened <br />during the election should have no bearing on this application and is not relevant to your <br />decision tonight. <br />Krantz asks if staff can differentiate between a preliminary and a final plat. Which parts <br />are we reviewing that are preliminary and which parts are final? <br />Zuccaro says what is being heard tonight is a preliminary and final plat, but they cover <br />the same geographic area. The actual lots and blocks on both the preliminary and final <br />are the same in this case. There are different submittal requirements but the approval <br />criteria for consideration are the same. One example, for a preliminary plat, the <br />applicant must provide a drainage plan but for a final plat, there is no requirement for an <br />updated drainage plan. The applicant has decided to give all of this information together <br />for the preliminary and final. <br />Krantz brings up a concern of hers that the proposed drainage report says it is not good <br />for the final. <br />Zuccaro says once a plat is approved, we get construction documents and drainage <br />reports that are reviewed by Public Works. Those final plans are adopted and then <br />approved for construction. The submittal requirements for a preliminary plat include a <br />drainage plan. He shows Section 16.12.050 and reads the code for the preliminary plat <br />submittal requirements. The drainage plan will not be final until it is reviewed by Public <br />Works. <br />Diehl mentions five topics he would like to discuss at the next meeting. He wants to <br />know more about the financial model, understand in greater detail the intersection of <br />Highway 36 and Campus Drive, get better clarity on the open space, and have a <br />discussion on sustainability and mineral rights. <br />Moline asks for more information on how open space is credited. <br />Zuccaro discusses the various ways open space can be credited, one of them being a <br />net public land dedication. <br />Krantz says in the transportation memo, there was a 12% non-SOV goal and this is not <br />consistent with the traffic and mobility study that mentioned a 25% goal. She asks for <br />clarification from staff or the applicant at the next meeting on the goals for those two <br />plans. <br />Howe asks for clarification on the traffic shown on Table 2 such as the increase in traffic <br />patterns and intersection distances. <br />