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Economic Vitality Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />December 16, 2022 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />Chair Dickinson summarized that the EVC wants to move forward with a work <br />plan, which it will organize around Council's work plan. Additionally, the EVC <br />will discuss its own revisions concerning the purpose and role of the committee. <br />He also suggested that the EVC develop an annual recurring routine or pattern <br />moving forward (similar to Finance Committee). He concluded by asking what <br />tasks or priorities can be made routine or reoccurring. <br />Councilmember Most commented that the existing strategic plan is more of a <br />tactical plan. She concluded that the existing document is a list of tasks, and <br />that there seems to be a disconnect because the strategic framework is not yet <br />in place. <br />Chair Dickinson reviewed the five existing strategic goals and wondered what <br />specific actions need to be included under each strategic goal. Councilmember <br />Most agreed that the existing strategies need to reflect the EVC's vision and <br />should include tasks that support each goal. <br />City Manager Durbin recommended adding the advanced agenda to the EVC <br />agenda for future meetings. Councilmember Fahey agreed and asked <br />Specialist Brown whether the advanced agenda could be added to packet. <br />Specialist Brown confirmed that he will begin adding a discussion of the <br />advanced agenda. <br />7. Discussion/Direction- Economic Vitality Strategic Plan: Specialist Brown <br />gave an overview of the recent changes to the Economic Vitality Strategic Plan. <br />Councilmember Most asked whether there were any large items that did not get <br />completed in 2022 and what the three largest priorities might be in 2023. <br />Specialist Brown responded that the retail market analysis (Action #3-2) was <br />the most significant task that got pushed back to 2023. City Manager Durbin <br />added that strategic thinking and relationship building should be the priorities for <br />2023. He concluded that hiring an Economic Vitality Manager and aligning the <br />EVC work plan and agendas with Council should also be priorities. <br />Chair Dickinson asked when is the soonest that the Economic Vitality Manager <br />position could be filled. Director Zuccaro responded that the absolute best case <br />scenario would be sometime in February. <br />Specialist Brown asked if there were any comments on the format of the <br />Strategic Plan. Councilmember Most responded that she would like to see <br />stronger correlation between strategies and tactics. Chair Dickinson agreed that <br />there needs to be more of a connection between the actions that have been <br />identified and the overall strategic goals. <br />Agenda Packet P. 5 <br />