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Recognizing that the integrity of the City's parks system relies on the ability of the City to manage and <br />maintain each component of this cherished system, the City embarked on the development of the <br />General Maintenance and Management Plan to identify strategies and tools to identify assets and <br />maintenance needs of each asset. The General Maintenance and Management Plan is organized into <br />three deliverables: <br />1. Summary of Findings: Includes an overview of initial research, including staff interviews that <br />were used to inform the targeted Levels of Service in response to expectations of City residents <br />and elected/appointed officials. <br />2. Annual Work Plan: Includes specific steps and tasks necessary to inventory and manage existing <br />assets and maintenance tasks. <br />3. Appendices: Supporting documentation, including interim tools, to document and expand the <br />City's inventory in preparation for the transition to utilizing management software. <br />The General Maintenance and Management Plan will assist Parks in tracking specific assets and the <br />maintenance required to care for those assets in preparation for annual budget requests and capital <br />improvement plans. <br />Overall Assessment of Park Maintenance Operations <br />The goal of this project is to improve maintenance planning and operations and guide Parks toward <br />higher performance. To achieve that, the consultant team performed a review of maintenance planning <br />processes and Parks operations. The result of data and document reviews, interviews, and analyses <br />indicate that there is a consistent approach to park operation and maintenance within Parks, but the <br />process is not formal or documented. Overall, Parks maintenance organization is functioning at a <br />maturity level between "Initial/Ad Hoc" (Level 1) where processes are minimally controlled and mostly <br />reactive and "Repeatable (Level 2)," where processes are generally understood but not always <br />documented. Some areas are functioning at a higher level, such as snow removal, where there is a <br />strong emphasis on providing access to the park assets during inclement weather. In addition, the sense <br />of teamwork and pride in making the City a better place to work and live was evident. Amongst <br />department leadership, there is a strong recognition of the need and a desire to think strategically about <br />park maintenance. <br />�N <br />eaeGa��c <br />a <br />arc <br />© Defined <br />Underperforming O Repeatable <br />Initial / Ad Hoc <br />City of Louisville Parks Department <br />Summary of Findings <br />World <br />Optimized (High - <br />Performance) <br />Managed / <br />Measured <br />Figure 1. Capability Maturity Model Levels <br />January 16, 2023 <br />Page 7 <br />10 <br />