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Based on our assessment of Parks maintenance functions as they are currently configured, a priority <br />recommendation of this report is the development of a maintenance program that includes strategic <br />planning, process improvement, and continual measurement and monitoring. Alignment to a standard, <br />such as the NRPA's Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA) standard, <br />will enable Parks to build a program that is rooted in strategic alignment, repeatable and defendable <br />processes, and a focus on continual improvement. The CAPRA standard provides an authoritative <br />assessment tool for park and recreation agencies to demonstrate they have the operational capacity to <br />deliver programs, facilities, and services at a high level of quality. Using the CAPRA standard as a guiding <br />framework enables the City to build and sustain the long-term change Parks is seeking. <br />Further, a structured maintenance program that includes maintenance and capital planning functions <br />facilitates several positive outcomes: <br />• Reduction in life cycle cost <br />• Reduced risk of failure of critical systems <br />• Increased customer satisfaction, both internal and external <br />• Improved asset reliability and performance <br />• More effective preventative and corrective maintenance programs <br />• Decrease in emergency repairs, outages, and response requirements <br />The advantages of a well -documented maintenance function will be alignment of Parks Department <br />maintenance function with the City's strategic objectives, more streamlined operations, consistent <br />application of maintenance practices to optimize asset life cycle, effective use of in-house and <br />outsourced resources, a work and career development environment for Parks employees, and long-term <br />reduction in the cost of the maintenance and capital renewal. <br />Key Findings and Recommendations: The primary objective of the General Maintenance and <br />Management Plan is to provide guidance and feedback to both management and staff involved in the <br />daily maintenance of parks and Parks assets. The plan includes detailed inventory data and analysis to <br />better understand the costs associated with specific tasks and identifies targeted Levels of Service that <br />identifies specific maintenance regiments for each asset. The following recommendations identify <br />specific areas of concern that would improve efficiency and allow for more accurate cost assessments <br />related to maintenance and management. <br />1. Implement and document consistent maintenance processes, levels of service, and customer <br />expectations. <br />2. Develop a preventative maintenance plan and a documented inspection process. <br />3. Adopt Lucity software to manage maintenance workflow. <br />4. Implement a staffing plan consistent with the benchmarking data. This plan should include a <br />more detailed labor needs analysis to determine specific staff types and ratios based on the <br />desired levels of service. <br />5. Develop a system to document and track actual staff task time. Use this data to inform an <br />Annual Work Plan for routine maintenance and contingency plans for corrective maintenance. <br />6. Complete inventory of assets, refine accuracy of data, and add the data to Lucity. <br />7. Conduct Parks -specific resilience planning that includes security, emergency preparedness, and <br />continuity of operations. <br />8. Implement a performance management system with consistent asset facilities -related key <br />performance indicators (KPIs) that accurately measure the effectiveness of asset maintenance. <br />City of Louisville Parks Department <br />Summary of Findings <br />January 16, 2023 <br />Page 9 <br />12 <br />