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A business that is delinquent in bag tax filings will not be eligible for waste reduction programming until <br />they become compliant. Currently, there are 26 businesses (12%) that are delinquent with more than <br />one missing filing. City staff is able to provide support to these businesses to ensure compliance. When <br />compliance is achieved, the business will be eligible for waste reduction programs. <br />New businesses that join the bag tax program in 2023 will be eligible for waste reduction programming <br />in 2024, if the business is in compliance at the time. <br />Program 1: Bulk Supply of Reusable Bags <br />Louisville businesses may find that a bulk supply of reusable bags provides support to the business <br />owner and customers and reduces the number of disposable bags used in the community. <br />Business sectors this may impact: Food, Vendor, Service, Retail, Grocery <br />Current Louisville reusable bag designs include the two designs pictured below. In the future, additional <br />bag designs may be considered. <br />Estimated Program 1 Costs <br />A bulk purchase of $10,000 reusable bags totals—$20,000 <br />If $1,000 of bags are allocated to each business that selects Program 1, each business would receive S00 <br />bags. <br />Estimated Program 1 Staff Impact <br />The staff impact of program 1 is medium. Staff will be required to order reusable bags, store bags, <br />communicate with businesses, deliver bags, and track and report program data. <br />Estimated Program 1 Waste Reduction Impact <br />The waste reduction impact of program 1 is low. Reusable bags require more materials and energy to <br />make and transport than disposable bags, which means that reusable bags need to be used several <br />times to be more environmentally friendly than paper or plastic bags. <br />Agenda Packet P. 37 <br />