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Estimated Program 2 Waste Reduction Impact <br />The waste reduction impact of program 2 is high. Both business employees and residents will be able to <br />drop off hard -to -recycle materials year round at commercial locations in Louisville, which will divert <br />these materials from the landfill. Additionally, if Ridwell and the City of Louisville advertise the <br />businesses participating in the program, it will likely increase resident participation in the programs. <br />Program 2 Overall Recommendation <br />Program 2 is a good option for businesses that want to take an extra step, but do not want to administer <br />the waste reduction program themselves. <br />Program 3: Commercial Recycling Incentives <br />The City of Louisville will work with an existing program through Boulder County Resource Conservation <br />Division (RCD) and Partners for a Clean Environment (PACE) to provide a business with a one-time <br />financial incentive to begin commercial recycling or composting services. Currently, there is no universal <br />recycling or composting ordinance in Louisville and the business community is not required to recycle or <br />compost. Through Green Business Program feedback, the City of Louisville has received feedback that <br />businesses are interested in commercial recycling and/or interested in a shared recycling bin for a group <br />of geographically close businesses. This program may be attractive to businesses that have a shared area <br />for waste collection and/or are centrally located (downtown, McCaslin). <br />PACE currently provides $150 coupons for businesses that start commercial recycling programs, so this <br />program would "incentive stack" on the existing program to provide bag tax businesses with a $1,150 <br />rebate to start services. It should be noted that the PACE program has limited annual funding and is <br />administered on a first come, first served basis. <br />To redeem the coupon, the business must commit to at least one year or new recycling or composting <br />services or both. The business contacts recycling and composting haulers to receive quotes for services <br />that meet the needs of the business. When the service is finalized, the business completes a form and <br />submits it to the hauler, who submits it to Boulder County. Boulder County reimburses the hauler <br />$1,150 towards the new service(s). <br />PACE also provides businesses with up to $350 worth of recycling and compost bins and signage for their <br />business, so after the service has been set up, the business would also be eligible for this funding to <br />support the project. <br />Business sectors this may impact: Food, Service, Retail, Grocery <br />Estimated Program 3 Costs <br />The estimated cost to set up a commercial recycling service is $125. The estimated monthly service <br />charge for a commercial recycling service is $130 - $200/month for weekly pickup service, depending on <br />the size of the container the business requires. This program would cover $1,150 in costs related to <br />setting up this service for each business that selected program 3. Groups of geographically close <br />businesses could select program 3 together to receive a communal recycling bin with more funds <br />allocated from the City. <br />Agenda Packet P. 39 <br />