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LOUISVILLE SUSTAINABILITY ADVISORY BOARD <br />2023 WORK PLAN <br />LSAB Role <br />Advise & Recommend <br />• Provide feedback to staff regarding programs, projects, etc. <br />• Sustainability budget requests <br />• Council work plan recommendations <br />• Letters of support for Council policy discussions <br />• Additional memos to Council/City leadership that state group recommendations <br />Research & Analysis <br />• Vetting ideas through cost/benefit analysis, alignment with City plans, equity lens, etc. <br />• Prepping for future budget requests/work plan ideas <br />Outreach & Engagement <br />• Coordination with partners and community members <br />• Distribution of materials <br />• Monthly eNewsletter <br />• Otherideas <br />2023 Priority Items <br />1. Support and participate in Louisville -specific community decarbonization plan through Partners <br />in Energy (January —June) <br />LSAB Role: Provide input on planning process and equity considerations, participate in planning <br />process through stakeholder/community meetings and focus groups <br />2. Support implementation of Louisville -specific community decarbonization plan (June — <br />December) <br />a. Residential retrofit roadmap and/or workshop series <br />b. Residential and commercial energy program outreach and engagement <br />c. Energy efficiency/electrification stacking rebates <br />LSAB Role: TBD (based on outcome of plan), will likely include residential and commercial <br />program and incentives outreach and engagement and residential education recommendations <br />3. Partner with US Solar/SunShare, Boulder County/Solar United Neighbors and Partners in Energy <br />to develop a renewable energy portfolio that educates residents and business owners about <br />their renewable energy options. (Jan —April) <br />