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Open Space Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2023 04 12
2023 Open Space Advisory Board Agendas and Packets
Open Space Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2023 04 12
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4/6/2023 9:20:07 AM
City Council Records
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Boards Commissions Committees Records
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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />March 8, 2023 <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />shirt, so staff can be on the lookout for this. Ember added that the larger concern is when staff <br />sees people seeding or planting on open space. <br />Sales & Use Tax Task Force Updates: <br />Jessamine said there are meetings scheduled for March 13' and 20th. There will be an update <br />to the board after that. <br />Wayfinding Tiger Team: <br />The tiger team has received aerial maps of the Powerline Trail to annotate for the sign <br />contractors. They are also constructing a spreadsheet to itemize signs and striping for each <br />location. <br />General Updates: <br />David and Charles will be meeting with Kurt from Public Works to brainstorm crossing safety <br />issues from Aquarius to the new 104th Street Trail. Charles added that the 104th Street Trail <br />looks great and that the crossing at the north end was his only concern. Ember added that <br />Boulder County will be doing road improvements on 104th Street south of Dillon to Stearns Lake. <br />Since that might include the County building a trail extension to Stearns Lake, they will wait on <br />the road corridor improvements to the south. <br />David talked to Jeff Moline, who works for Boulder County Parks and Open Space, about <br />whether there are county -wide recommendations about city changes to regional trails. He said <br />there weren't and that the county leaves it to local municipalities to determine trail surfaces and <br />maintenance plans. This means there aren't formal rules saying that the City of Louisville can't <br />pave the Coal Creek Trail. <br />David reported about his experience at the City Council meeting last night. The half -mile stretch <br />on the Coal Creek Trail from Dillon to the Highway 36 underpass had been incorporated into a <br />concreting plan, but due to push back, this had been pulled off the consent agenda. OSAB <br />wrote a memo in October 2022 recommending against paving it. Five citizens spoke <br />individually at the meeting about their opposition to paving it, including Charles and David. <br />Council decided against including converting this section of the Coal Creek Trail into concrete. <br />However, the plan then evolved into a recommendation to send the suggestion back to Public <br />Works staff. The concrete replacement project included suggestions to formalize two social <br />trails and pave them with concrete: a social trail between two houses along St. Andrews Lane <br />that goes up to Dillon Rd, and another on the SW corner of 88th and Dillon. Both of these were <br />listed in the Transportation Master Plan, though drawn incorrectly. Both are estimated at just <br />above $100,000 to do. David thought that improving the connection to Monarch was probably <br />the main goal of Council. Deb mentioned that the confusion about the exact location of things <br />has been an ongoing issue in city documents, though she has seen work to improve this. David <br />thought these trails might be a nice courtesy to areas that were impacted by the fire. Ember <br />showed the locations on the screen. Helen asked if the trails could be designed to avoid sharp <br />angles and bad intersections, features that the wayfinding initiative is trying to eliminate from the <br />current network. <br />Helen commented that two years ago OSAB was given advisory responsibility over trails, and <br />yet these social trails being formalized is a good example of how a lot of trail decisions get <br />made without OSAB being asked for input. She asked whether the board should change its <br />name to include "Trails" to help remind council that OSAB should be included in these <br />discussions. Jessamine and David wondered if the city charter would allow for a name change. <br />5 <br />
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