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Sustainability Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />February 15, 2023 <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />garden. He said the garden is going to be built with or without LSAB's approval, <br />so there isn't much risk in approving a partnership to support the solar garden. <br />Tiffany said that the pace of the climate crisis is requiring us to move solutions <br />forward. Dan added that people can go deeper into a project idea and do their <br />research before a meeting and email Kayla in advance of a meeting with any <br />questions or feedback. John said the original solar farm that the City of Louisville <br />was partnering with went bankrupt, so we don't want to recommend something <br />for the community to embrace if it's not a well -vetted company. Todd added that <br />people can do more research ahead of time and send questions to Kayla in <br />advance. Megan asked if there is an opportunity to continue a discussion after a <br />topic has been introduced. Todd said that yes, the board can decide not to make <br />a recommendation on a topic if the board isn't prepared to do so. Kayla added <br />that she can be more clear about what she's asking for from LSAB. She will be <br />more explicit in the agenda and slide deck about what kind of feedback is being <br />requested, which should help to frame the conversation better. Megan responded <br />that stating the ask ahead of time would help. She gave the example of the bag <br />tax item and asked what the board will be deciding. Is the board going to pick <br />which program they like the most or are they providing feedback on all <br />programs? Kayla said she would clarify the ask in the packet more clearly in the <br />future. <br />Discussion Item — Bag Tax Funded Waste Reduction Programs <br />Kayla presented the bag tax funded waste reduction programs to the board and <br />explained that these options will be presented on March 14 to City Council. She <br />added that several other city groups are providing input before the Council <br />meeting. The presentation included 5 proposed waste reduction programs and <br />an additional sustainability staff person to manage the waste reduction programs <br />and support the work of the Sustainability Division, funded through bag tax <br />revenue and the Boulder County Environmental Sustainability Grant. For more <br />information about the presentation, see the February LSAB packet. <br />