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Sustainability Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />February 15, 2023 <br />Page 6 of 7 <br />the ordinance was written more broadly, can we use the bag tax revenue for <br />decarbonization incentives after the commercial waste reduction options? Kayla <br />said the City can look into this and agreed that the ordinance was written broadly. <br />Todd said he agrees that the City should use the flexibility of the ordinance to <br />prioritize decarbonization efforts with the revenue. Lev asked about the longevity <br />of programs 2, 3 and 4. He asked what the likelihood is for a business to <br />continue with these programs when their incentive funds are gone. He asked <br />how effective have these programs been in Boulder? Kayla said that for option 4, <br />PACE can help provide support when the incentive runs out. John added that the <br />City should clearly let the businesses know that these program options are <br />available because of the bag tax! Tiffany agreed with John. Todd suggested the <br />City find out how likely businesses would be to continue their participation in the <br />program. He said that staff should conduct a program analysis after the first year <br />of administering the programs to evaluate effectiveness and impact. Kayla said <br />this is great feedback and thanked the board. Josh asked if the City provided <br />Kayla with any direction to spend the revenue on waste diversion specifically? <br />Kayla responded that past Council communications focused on commercial <br />waste diversion programs with bag tax revenue and said there was $183,000 <br />from 2022 revenue. Tiffany asked if these programs are a pilot. Kayla said yes <br />and that staff would need to involve Council in the future if there was interest in <br />shifting the funds to decarbonization efforts in the future. Tiffany asked how the <br />bag tax revenue funds the staff position. Kayla said that half of the position's <br />salary is from the Boulder County grant and half is from the bag tax. In January <br />2024, the bag tax revenue will decrease because plastic bags will be banned. <br />Discussion Item — Spring Cleaning Event <br />Todd provided an update about the Spring Cleaning Event to the board and <br />asked the board to sign up to volunteer for this event and ask friends and family <br />to volunteer for the event as well. <br />Public Comment <br />