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Estimated FEMA reimbursement PPDR Costs <br />Revenues 61L $12,912,400.00 <br />PPDR payments by the City to County (to date) ,--� $670,450.00 <br />Known uncovered PPDR costs (Louisville) I— $166,000.00 <br />Estimated PPDR cost (Louisville) $13,592,000.00 <br />$- $4,000,000 $8,000,000 $12,000,000 $16,000,000 <br />*Figures have not changed since prior month <br />Items not included for FEMA reimbursement process: An important goal of Staff's work is to <br />ensure the total costs are clearly identified from this major event. Insurance is a significant factor <br />cost coverage from the fire. At this time, staff are still working to analyze the statement of loss <br />from Travelers, and understand the coverage and how it relates to City Marshall Fire expenses <br />and FEMA submittals. <br />The chart below gives a current snapshot of what has been submitted to insurance, how much <br />has been repaid, and what is still outstanding. The City submitted $3.9 million to insurance for <br />property damages and losses, and has received $2.6 million. In addition, $1.9 million was <br />submitted for business income loss, which is still under evaluation by Travelers. There are <br />numerous unresolved factors in the submitted but unrepaid, including recent submittals under <br />evaluation, projects that were or will not be covered due to insurance maximums, potential <br />duplicate projects submitted, etc. The insurance reconciliation will continue over the next several <br />months. <br />12/71 <br />