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3. The reasonable condition of the <br />Unknown <br />The applicant did not provide any <br />building*, and <br />documentation regarding the condition <br />of the property. <br />4. The reasonable projected cost of <br />Unknown <br />A specific projected cost was not <br />restoration or repair.* <br />included as part of the application. <br />* In considering the condition of the building and the projected cost of restoration or <br />repair as set forth in subsections H.3 and H.4, above, the commission may not consider <br />deterioration caused by unreasonable neglect. <br />Historic Context Report <br />The City completed a residential historic context report (Stories in Places: Putting Louisville's <br />Residential Development in Context) in 2018 that includes a list of recommended and priority <br />properties for preservation. 916 Main was listed as one of the properties to prioritize for <br />landmarking. <br />PROBABLE CAUSE <br />The HPC should review the demolition permit application based upon any of the criteria in <br />Resolution 17, Series 2023, Section 7, which states that "the Commission shall review the <br />building history, application, and other relevant information to determine whether there is <br />probable cause to believe the building may be eligible for landmarking under the criteria" in <br />Section 15.36.200(H) of the Louisville Municipal Code (LMC). The criteria for Demolition Review <br />and Probable Cause are the same, meaning that the HPC may use the analysis above to make <br />its determination on this item, as well. <br />DESIGN REFERRAL TO PLANNING COMMISSION & CITY COUNCIL <br />The applicants also request Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment approval for the <br />existing structure at 916 Main Street. The requested fagade updates require a PUD Amendment <br />due to exterior changes from the existing PUD for the property. The proposed changes include <br />new materials on the alley fagade, updates to the south (side) elevation, as well as a new <br />fagade facing Main Street. <br />Staff requests that the HPC review the plans for conformance with the Design Handbook for <br />Downtown Louisville policies, especially as they relate to new development respecting the <br />traditional and historic context of Downtown. Within the Design Handbook, the application is <br />subject to the "General Standards for All Projects in Downtown Louisville" and the "Design <br />Standards and Guidelines for the Core Area of Downtown". <br />Staff analysis <br />The first submittal of the PUD Amendment is currently under review with City staff. The table <br />below summarizes the relevant design criteria in the Design Handbook that relates to traditional <br />or historic architecture in Louisville. <br />15 <br />