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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />March 20, 2023 <br />Page 5 of 9 <br />Beauchamp thinks 90 days are more than enough and is in favor of that length <br />of time for the stay. <br />Dalia says he is not in favor of any stay. Given the price of the house and what <br />they are doing on this, we have to be sensitive to the owners and their time frame <br />as well. <br />Burg recalls a past property that had a 120-day stay. <br />Dalia moves and Anderson seconds a motion to have a 0-day stay on this <br />property. Motion is denied 5-2 by a roll call vote. <br />Name <br />Vote <br />Lynda Haley <br />No <br />Christine Burg <br />No <br />Gary Dunlap <br />No <br />Keith Keller <br />No <br />Josh Anderson <br />Yes <br />Marty Beauchamp <br />No <br />Randy Dalia <br />Yes <br />Motion passed/failed: <br />Fail <br />Dunlap moves and Keller seconds a motion to have a 90-day stay on this <br />property. Motion passes unanimously by a roll call vote. <br />Anderson mentions that he would like to see this property landmarked and get <br />grant money in order to refurbish the front of the house. <br />Discussion/Direction <br />Old Town Overlay Zone District Update <br />Brackett Hogstad reviews the following goals: <br />• Gather requests for more information ahead of draft ordinance <br />• Gather preliminary input; last HPC input on this project was in 2021 <br />• Not a discussion/direction format <br />• Trying to avoid asking the HPC to learn and comment on the Old Town <br />Overlay in the same month <br />She then reviews the following steps: <br />• Working on draft ordinance with consultants <br />• Additional review steps may be added <br />• Will come before HPC, PC, and CC as draft ordinance <br />Resources that the HPC can use are minutes from the joint meeting, the <br />diagnostic report, and City Council meeting minutes. <br />She gives more background on what the Old Town Overlay Zone District is and <br />where it is located on an aerial map. <br />