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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />March 20, 2023 <br />Page 7 of 9 <br />Dunlap says the consultants did a good job talking to residents about the <br />program. <br />Anderson says he has noticed the scale of the front portion of homes in this <br />district. <br />Dalia speaks on allowing a new construction of a secondary residence on the <br />same property. He is not sure if there should be special treatment of allowing a <br />secondary residence. <br />Zuccaro says the code does allow guesthouses. They are not allowed to have <br />cooking appliances or to be rented out. The City is currently under the process of <br />exploring the allowance of secondary residences. He mentions that staff is really <br />trying to address the existing character and how to sustain that character with <br />new builds. There are two bonuses built within this code: preservation and <br />landmarking. Do you think the current structure of the bonuses are adequate? <br />That is the kind of feedback we are interested in getting back from HPC. <br />Burg mentions that the HPC does not review the landmark and bonus <br />applications at this time. It seems like the density bonuses need to be <br />reconsidered at this time. <br />Haley says she does not think they should not have preservation bonuses. The <br />problem for her is that the bonus for lot coverage is one of their main incentives. <br />If there is another option that is a similar bonus but not have to landmark and <br />have strings attached, she is concerned people will not choose to landmark. <br />Anderson says he thinks the bonuses should be reviewed and fixed. He <br />mentions that Boulder is allowing ADU's and he is in favor of Louisville reviewing <br />them for allowance. <br />Dunlap asks staff to confirm that the ADU evaluation is separate from the zoning <br />district evaluation. <br />Zuccaro says yes, that is a different use question that we will be looking at this <br />year. <br />Dunlap asks that staff confirm that there are two different zoning districts from <br />the east and west side of Old Town. <br />Zuccaro says there are two different underlying zoning districts but the overlay <br />covers both of them. <br />Haley says she thinks that having flexibility in lot division could be beneficial for <br />Old Town. <br />Burg agrees with Haley. The alteration certificates language for Iandmarked <br />properties could potentially be looked at it. Just keeping the front facade is not <br />really keeping up with state and national standards. Re -exploring that language <br />to allow a larger percentage would be helpful. <br />Brackett Hogstad says the language for alteration certificates are a separate <br />part of the code. It is a higher standard but does not have a percentage <br />associated with it. It is subject to a higher standard. <br />Public Comment: Andy Johnson, 920 Lincoln Ave <br />Johnson says that he believes that City Council, commissioners, and staff <br />should go through the application process for the program so that they are users <br />