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From: Michael B. Menaker <br />To: City Council <br />Subject: Council Woirkplan <br />Date: Friday, May 5, 2023 3:52:21 PM <br />Dear Mayor and Council, <br />As you discuss the Council workplan at Tuesday's Study Session, please consider <br />elevating improving cell service throughout the City to a top tier priority. <br />I am shocked that after the horrors of the Marshall Fire, we haven't made reliable cell <br />communications <br />everywhere in the City more of a priority. It is a matter of public safety. <br />I urge you to instruct City Staff to seek out and work with the major cellular carriers to rapidly <br />improve our cell service. Streamline the approval process, say "NO" to the inevitable NIMBYs <br />and make public safety a top priority. <br />It matters not which of the major providers you have ... a 3 minute drive can leave you with "n <br />bars" and zero service. <br />In today's world, that poses a risk to public safety that should be unacceptable. <br />Sincerely, <br />Michael B. Menaker <br />1827 W Choke Cherry Dr <br />Louisville, CO 80027 <br />303.588.8781 <br />==CAUTION: EXTERNAL EMAIL== <br />This email originated from outside the City of Louisville's email environment. Do not click <br />links or open attachments unless you validate the sender and know the content is safe. <br />Please contact IT if you believe this email is suspicious. <br />