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Planning Commission Agenda and Packet 2023 05 11
2023 Planning Commission Agendas Packets Minutes
Planning Commission Agenda and Packet 2023 05 11
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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 09, 2023 <br />Page 9 of 15 <br />recommends reducing the cap to one each time a gasoline station closes. Lastly, <br />he recommends prohibiting gas stations in the Philips 66 rural district. <br />Cathern Smith <br />Smith says the human health concerns from gasoline stations extend to air <br />quality, not just climate change. She goes into further detail on the effect of air <br />quality. She then discusses the trends of gasoline stations in the United States, <br />specifically mentioning the number of them through the years. This proposal <br />favors more big box retailer's then small, business owners. <br />Beth McQuie <br />McQuie says she uses multiple gas stations in Louisville and she has never had <br />a wait with more than one car ahead of her. She does not think there is a need <br />for any additional gas stations. She proposes a ban on new ones or having a <br />limit. She would love for Louisville to be a model for sustainability and an <br />advocate for climate change. <br />Cathern Smith <br />Smith says she would like to see that if new gas stations are applied for, that <br />they provide a needs based assessment to confirm a new one is needed within <br />the City. <br />Closinq Statement by Staff. <br />Zuccaro displays the ordinance for the commissioner's review. <br />Brauneis says he would like to remove the words "and integral" from the <br />ordinance and leave it as "automobile service station as part of the retail center <br />on the same or adjoining parcel." The goal of this language is to allow them to do <br />that so why put a confusing word like integral in there. <br />Choi says there are some missing specifics in the language in discussing the <br />retail center. He thinks there should be language that has correlation between <br />the overall ratio of the proposed use would be. If there would be an exception <br />that mentions size and use, there should be some bumpers on it. <br />Brauneis asks if eliminating the word integral provides a necessary bumper. <br />Choi says not necessarily but eliminating it further provides more clarity. <br />Zuccaro mentions there are many commercial centers where there is a gas <br />station on an outlot just like Safeway. He is worried that if it only says a part of <br />the retail center, it could be a different meaning. We could require that it be <br />branded as part of the retail center. <br />Moline says he is wondering if keeping the word integral is trying to protect the <br />retail center. Is it to make sure that we do not lose a slot of a gas station for <br />something we are not looking for from an economic perspective? <br />Zuccaro says if there is a model that proposes a retail center and gas station <br />and the City does not allow it because of the gas station, there is concern that <br />they will go to a neighboring city. <br />Choi proposes replacing integral with saying "an accessory part" of the retail <br />center. <br />
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