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ga <br />UN <br />nni C...u,.....rowf ., l" <br />rs£ <br />ab <br />FRONT <br />0. <br />The Oct. 9, 1964 Louisville Times reported that "Mrs Maria Brignand celebrated her 90th <br />birthday Oct. 2 at her home at 917 Rex street, when she was remembered with cards and gifts <br />from friends and relatives. Helping her enjoy ice cream and cake in the evening were her sons, <br />Albert and James Regnier of Erie, Jules Regnier of Longmont and their wives, and Arthur <br />Regnier of Dublin, Calif.; her granddaughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waneka and Mark <br />and Marilyn of Lafayette. Although Mrs. Brignand is in a wheel chair because of a broken hip, <br />she lives alone, cooks, washes, irons, bakes bread and pies, enjoys TV and reads everything." <br />Cox Ownership, 1967-1987 <br />In 1967, following the death of their mother and grandmother Marie Brignand, Jules George <br />Regnier and Jules Charles Regnier sold 917 Rex to Charles and Doris Cox. <br />When the Coxes went to sell 917 Rex, this item appeared in the Louisville Times (July 29, 1987): <br />"The Charm of this manicured 'vintage' 3 bedrm older home is emphasized by hardwood floors, <br />3 <br />