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City Council/LRC <br />Planning Commission <br />Special Meeting Minutes <br />January 12, 2009 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br /> The current design guidelines designate retail development for locations <br />not likely to be viable. The design guidelines should be modified to <br />eliminate the first floor commercial requirement along insulated corridors. <br /> Design guidelines should be modified to ensure the future retail adjacent <br />to Highway 42 does not strip out the corridor, but augments the larger <br />effort to create a sense of place. <br /> Project feasibility is dependent on greater proportions of residential use, <br />given the expected premium. Office and commercial rents are expected <br />to generate lower rates of returns. <br /> An allowance of a greater FAR and density can improve project <br />profitability, assuming the additional floor area is dedicated to residential <br />uses and projects can continue to be surface parked. <br /> It is expected office uses in Highway 42 will require a longer period of <br />time to reach the level of demand that will translate to higher rental rates. <br /> Market research indicates approximately 90,000 SF of retail is <br />supportable over the planning horizon 2009-2020. Based on the <br />geography, street frontage, and property configuration, approximately a <br />quarter to half of this could be located along an interior corridor and half to <br />three quarters could be expected to develop along Highway 42. <br />Additional Considerations <br /> Bond proceeds for significant infrastructure investments in downtown or <br />elsewhere will rely on new commercial/residential development in the <br />Highway 42 area for funding. <br /> The commercial development of Highway 42 does not directly compete <br />with downtown as the type of retailer attracted to new development is not <br />likely to be a direct substitute. <br /> A possible increase or elimination of the square footage limit in downtown <br />would have an impact on the tax increment available. <br /> Future investments can contribute to the stability and continued growth of <br />downtown businesses. <br />COUNCIL/COMMISSION COMMENTS <br />Commissioner Menaker voiced his concern over the access to the 180 residential <br />units proposed in the plan. Planning Director Wood clarified there will have to be <br />some improvements to the access. <br />Mr. Gaughan reviewed the need for larger infrastructure and amenity <br />investments to catalyze development.Those include a street grid, pedestrian <br />connections and parking. <br /> <br />