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Historical Commission <br />Agenda <br />May 17, 2023 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />City and that it highlights people's achievements that the general <br />community may not be aware of — "It is very educational." <br />3. How is your process to develop your annual work plan? How does it <br />align with Council's work plan?: Being a board that provides feedback <br />and acts as a sounding board, the Commission does not typically have an <br />annual work plan. This year, when a work plan was asked for, City staff <br />drafted one and then the Commission approved it at its next meeting. It <br />was noted that thought was put into making sure that the Commission's <br />work plan aligned with the Museum's work plan and also connected to <br />and supported the City Council's work plan. <br />4. If Council will be considering changes, what changes would you <br />recommend?: The one recommended change that was brought up has <br />to do with absenteeism and this causing the Commission to sometimes <br />struggle to have a quorum for a meeting. There are currently 6 members, <br />and a majority of 4 members need to be in attendance. Although <br />members are supposed to be allowed to miss only a few meetings per <br />year, a few miss many more than that and don't necessarily communicate <br />that they will be absent. However, there do not appear to be any real <br />consequences for chronic absenteeism. The impacts on the remaining <br />members are very real in terms of their perceiving pressure to always <br />show up so that there will be a quorum. <br />5. Do you feel that your body has been effective or ineffective? Why?: <br />The Commission members agreed that this board is very effective. They <br />feel that they do a good job of providing thoughtful feedback to the <br />Museum staff. Some members also make a point of regularly attending <br />Museum events. It was noted that the Commission and the Museum staff <br />have a very good relationship. <br />6. City Council has an informal policy of managing meeting time and <br />canceling or reducing meeting times when agendas are light. What <br />are the practices of your body in regards to agenda development, <br />meeting duration, and meeting tempo?: The Commission members <br />observed that the fact that they are already set up to meet every other <br />month has been very helpful with respect to this. With two months <br />between meetings, there are inevitably things that have come up in the <br />meantime that need to be on the next meeting agenda. Also, the Chair <br />moves through the agenda quickly and efficiently. He gives everyone a <br />chance to talk while also being respectful of people's time. Most recent <br />Commission meetings have been kept to between 45 and 60 minutes. <br />The Commission members do not feel that there is wasted time. <br />7. Thoughts on term limits and ideal board size: Commission members <br />expressed a mix of views on term limits. One member was in favor of <br />term limits so that new people can bring energy and new ideas. Another <br />expressed concern about the impacts of term limits if a board like the <br />Commission is already on the small size. He indicated that it would not be <br />