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- What do you consider to be the purpose and role of your body? To be the cultural <br />pulse of the city. To facilitate art grants programming and public art. Our purpose is to <br />serve as volunteers to the cultural needs of the city and people of Louisville. <br />- Do you have suggestions on changing that role in the future? No changes to <br />suggest. <br />- What have been your greatest successes? Summer concerts in the park, public arts <br />process to use as future process, arts grants process. <br />- What about your greatest failures? Working on boosting programming that is not <br />related to the summer concert- LCC see this as directly related to the lack of staffing and <br />specifically for the 2023 term. The unfortunate resignations and events of earlier this <br />year. Age diversity among the board could be improved- under 30 specifically would be <br />great to see. <br />- How is your process to develop your annual work plan? How does it align with <br />Council's work plan? - JR notes that he doesn't think that we have a current work plan. <br />This can be seen in the hodge-podge of programming events. This would be something <br />that we would discuss a retreat. Overall the LCC work plan is different from/ does not <br />align with the Councils (simply by its nature). <br />- If the Council will be considering changes, what changes would you recommend? <br />Concerns are that if we are consolidated as a committee, then we would have less <br />members and thus less work getting done in terms of cultural events. The LCC has <br />never held a workshop so that should be worked into our yearly schedule. <br />- Do you feel that your body has been effective or ineffective? Why? Overall over the <br />past years, yes, we have been effective. Given this term's (2023) circumstances (lack of <br />staff) we think that we have had an effective impact as well. <br />- City Council has an informal policy of managing meeting time and canceling or <br />reducing meeting times when agendas are light. What are the practices of your <br />body in regards to agenda development, meeting duration, and meeting tempo? <br />We have some policies and procedures in place. The Chair thinks that we could speed <br />up the meetings. We also take a few months break in the summer to manage the <br />summers in the park. It is also suggested that in order to shorten the time of meetings <br />we could have information items not be discussed but simply in the meeting packet for <br />individual review prior to the meetings. Questions, comments or concerns can then be <br />brought up as needed in the actual meeting. <br />- What is the ideal number of members for your board? At what point is the board <br />too cumbersome, or too small? 8-10 members would be ideal. 3 is certainly too small. <br />Anything less than 6, the staffing gets challenging. <br />- Should there be term limits? (Board members, or Board chairs). LCC believes that <br />it should be required that a volunteer has to be an officer or on a subcommittee at some <br />point in their term. Officers should have a term limit though the LCC is not certain about <br />the specifics around this. Secretary will be a 1 year term and given to the most <br />junior/newest of members ideally. <br />17. Staff Report- see attached <br />18. Items for next agenda- <br />