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City Council Finance Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 15, 2023 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />There was a discussion around how to estimate the right utility rates to charge enough to provide <br />services and complete needed projects without charging too much. There was also a discussion around <br />the historical rate increases and why there were 0% years during Covid and the Marshall Fire in an effort <br />to try to provide relief for residents. <br />Councilmember Hamlington noted that the City needs consider the user's entire, comprehensive, <br />experience with service changes such as the waste service RFP and utility rate increases and how to best <br />prepare residents for these changes. She noted that steady increases over time might be more <br />manageable than more erratic changes for residents. <br />Councilmember Hoefner noted that the City needs to be sensitive about this real price increase and get <br />messaging right and reminded the committee that, if we had a serious water system problem, it would <br />raise a lot of concerns from residents. <br />Questions from the Public: None. <br />Open Space and Parks Sales and Use Tax Extension Update: <br />The Director of Parks, Recreation and Open Space presented the draft Finance Committee <br />Communication which will be presented at the June 20 Council meeting. The City is taking the Task <br />Force recommendations and will be requesting an increase to the sales tax rates to support Parks, <br />Recreation and Open Space. According to the polling results, there is a strong desire for the public to <br />establish an acquisition reserve as part of this process which will eventually come to the Finance <br />committee. There was a lot of discussion about calling out the 50% split between Parks and Open Space <br />departments in receiving the revenues. It was determined that including this information would make <br />the ballot language more confusing. <br />Questions from the Committee: <br />Chair Dickinson noted that it sounds like the process has gone smoothly with the Task Force and polling <br />process and there is a united front without an opposition to the concept of the PROS Tax Extension. <br />Questions from the Public: None. <br />Marshall Fire Update: <br />The Director of Finance presented the June Marshall Fire update. A Comprehensive report will be <br />provided at the June 20 Council meeting. <br />Questions from the Committee: <br />Councilmember Hoefner asked what the basis for denial of park and median costs was. It was noted that <br />FEMA generally covers losses to the built environment. <br />Councilmember Hamlington asked how much of the estimated unrecoverable losses was already part of <br />the long-term plan to replace end of life equipment that was damaged in the fire. Staff noted that just <br />because something was on a schedule to be repaired/replaced, the fire accelerated the need for repairs <br />which caused other projects to be delayed. There isn't currently quantified data to address this question. <br />Questions from the Public: None. <br />5/57 <br />