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Revitalization Commission <br />Minutes <br />July 12, 2023 <br />Page 6of8 <br />Commissioner Smith asked how LRC can use the carrot to target vacant buildings? The <br />member of the public noted that one thing that holds Louisville back is that they cost more than <br />the program recognizes. Taking a property to next level to be leasable long-term takes more <br />than the funding available in the programs, including historic preservation. When you have the <br />ability to go beyond stated limits it might be more incentive for owners to take advantage of the <br />program. The current programs aren't game changers. Commissioner Smith noted that looking <br />at limits has to be done. <br />Property owner of 916 Main Street noted that penalties are not supportive. She is a recent <br />purchaser of a building on Main Street and is happy to discuss that process. She would love to <br />put a fire sprinkler in the building, but with the problems and limitations the incentives aren't a <br />drop in the bucket when renovating a Main Street property. She suggested a a more custom <br />approach to each property, a review of what it looks like and what it would need, a more <br />visionary approach to what types of buildings you want to see downtown and how to recruit for <br />incentives for each individual property. You won't be able to fit properties into a generic box. By <br />the time she learned about incentives, they didn't fit her needs. <br />Fapade Improvement Program Application: Schlageter Properties, LLC (aD_ 916 Main Street <br />The EV Specialist presented the Fagade Improvement Program Application for Schlageter <br />Properties, LLC at 916 Main Street. The building has gone through historic preservation process <br />and the original design has been changed to preserve original design. It is going through PUD <br />application process. Staff recommends approval with LRC approval of funding amount. <br />Commissioner Comments: <br />Commissioner Harald commented that he wants to ensure LRC doesn't run out of funding for <br />this program and make sure LRC isn't foregoing future opportunities for support. He asked the <br />applicant about project contingencies and why two are necessary. The architect responded that <br />the original estimate didn't include full construction drawings. The contingency is likely not to be <br />adequate to cover the costs of the project. If the project doesn't spend it, it won't be allocated. <br />Commissioner Harald would be inclined to reduce this amount a little to ensure availability of <br />funds for future applications. <br />Commissioner Williams noted that, on the one hand, if we fund this application we almost <br />exhaust funding, but they applied and meet criteria. She suggested the LRC fund the application <br />and if another property owner is interested in the program all the better. <br />Commissioner Smith agreed that this application should be approved. <br />Councilmember Leh agreed that Commissioner Harald raises a good point. One of the things <br />that is important is consistency, predictability and the City following through with implied <br />obligations. This program has been very successful, and our responsibility is to budget <br />accordingly. If we need more funding, we should consider this in general. It's incumbent upon <br />LRC to resolve this problem, not on the applicant. Commissioner Leh is in favor of approving <br />this application. The bigger issue is about having a program with criteria which have been met <br />and LRC should fund it. <br />Agenda Packet P. 8 <br />