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City Council Finance Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />September 21, 2023 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />that could be provided to the community, such as EV status of the community, economic trends, etc. to <br />frame the problems we are trying to solve and identify those we really have. Councilmember Dickinson <br />agreed that providing this type of information to the community would be helpful. <br />2024 Budget Discussion: <br />The Director of Finance presented the current status of the 2024 Budget to the committee. All materials <br />can be found on the City's website. <br />The Director of Finance reviewed the draft budget from the September 12 meeting and described the <br />changes implemented since that meeting. The details of this information will be presented at the next <br />Council meeting. <br />The Director of Finance highlighted budgeted inter -fund transfers and the reserve policy for the committee. <br />Questions from the Committee: <br />Councilmember Hoefner noted that the recently provided budget worksheet is very helpful. He asked that <br />the discussion this morning center on how we get from where we are to a balanced budget Council can <br />approve and asked for input on what we can do to get there. <br />Councilmember Dickinson agreed that the Finance Committee is a good place to have budget discussions. <br />He also noted that, while there are many Councilmembers on this call, he is hesitant to discuss this topic <br />in detail at this time since this topic will be fully discussed at the September 26 Council meeting. <br />The City Manager noted that staff are prepared to discuss this topic and asked the Director of Finance to <br />provide a summary of how we're considering getting there. <br />Councilmember Dickinson asked for a drilldown into what expenses now will result in cost savings later. <br />Councilmember Hoefner expressed concern about removing office space improvements from the budget <br />and adding staff members when space is already limited. The City Manager noted that most of the staff <br />positions included in the increase were added earlier this year and most of these staff members are already <br />in place. City staff are looking at hybrid options and being more creative and cost effective with certain <br />spaces to add workspaces for staff in the present footprint. <br />Councilmember Hoefner noted the increase in the CMO staff budget since 2021 and expressed concern <br />that we might be adding positions that might not be sustainable. The Director of Finance responded that <br />some of the staff expenses are covered by grant funding. Councilmember Hoefner asked what will happen <br />with those positions when the grant funding runs out. The City Manager noted that some of these positions <br />are in support of strategic initiatives requested by Council. <br />Councilmember Hamlington noted that she will continue to hold to the belief that a hybrid model would <br />be useful and would be willing to have a conversation on what the investment would be to hire a consultant <br />to think creatively about solutions. She added that people are needed to achieve the goals we have for <br />5/47 <br />