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Sustainability Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />August 16, 2023 <br />Page 2of6 <br />Public Comments — <br />RJ Harrington: RJ led the meeting in a moment of silence for the victims of the <br />Maui wildfire, a climate change -fueled disaster, noting his extended family in <br />Hawaii and a sister company in Hawaii. Looking into the memorandum of <br />understanding approved by City Council for the Community Decarbonization <br />Planning effort, he found no reference to the meeting being closed to the public. <br />He would like the community to understand how it was decided that the meeting <br />would be closed to the public. <br />Staff Update — <br />Kayla provided City updates to the board. John asked for more information about <br />the Solar United Neighbors event at the Lafayette Library. Kayla explained that <br />Solar United Neighbors is essentially a residential rooftop solar cooperative that <br />enables groups of residents to obtain rooftop solar systems at bulk prices. Solar <br />United Neighbors advertises an RFP and selects a single installer from the <br />respondents. Residents typically save 10% to 20% on the cost. John asked if <br />there is a target number of participating residents. Kayla responded that all <br />Boulder County residents can apply to participate but that there is currently a <br />waitlist for participation. Solar United Neighbors gives residents about one to two <br />months to decide if they would like to participate. Solar United Neighbors typically <br />installs 50 to 100 rooftop solar systems through one RFP. John asked about how <br />the Board could advertise this opportunity. Kayla suggested that the Board could <br />advertise at Ecotober and other similar events. Solar United Neighbors will also <br />host a booth at Ecotoberfest. John asked about the impact of Xcel's hosting <br />capacity issues on Solar United Neighbors plans. Kayla responded that Solar <br />United Neighbors has been working on this issue with Xcel. The RFP will ask <br />bidders to indicate their familiarity with Xcel's hosting capacity issues and <br />associated processes. Megan inquired about determining Xcel's hosting capacity <br />at the addresses of participating residents. Kayla replied that Xcel was likely not <br />willing to modify their current processes to perform a bulk review. Todd noted <br />