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<br />WOOD BROTHERS CHURCH SITE & <br />PUBLIC HEARING cont1d <br /> <br />SEWER BONDS <br />DUNN KRAHL <br /> <br />CITY HALL REMODELING <br />BID AWARD <br /> <br />Jerry McDonald questioned protective covenances. <br />Mr. Holly stated that the protective covenance <br />are inforced. <br />Councilman Berry asked if the land was designated <br />as park area if it could be changed to site a <br />church. Attorney Morris stated that there are <br />restrictions if the land was designated for parks. <br />Attorney Morris then checkedinthe agreement and <br />stated that the land is not designated under <br />any specific title so there would be the possi- <br />bility of designating the land as Council wishes. <br />After the closing of the pUblic hearing Coun- <br />cilwoman Dhieux moved that Council accept the <br />P.U.D. application from Wood Brothers on <br />Tract B & C with the stipulations as worked out <br />between Wood Brothers and the City staff with a <br />negotiable item of Tract A for a possible church <br />site. Seconded by Councilman DiCarlo. <br />Councilman Berry moved to amend the motion to <br />include only Tract B. Amendment died due to <br />lack of second. <br />Roll call on motion. Domenico no, Berry yes, <br />Dhieux yes, Caranci yes, DelPizzo yes, DiCarlo <br />yes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Mr. Wurl stated to Council that sewer and water <br />facilities need to be kept up to date and that <br />approximately $280,000 is needed to do the ne- <br />cessary improvements on the sewer plant. <br />Mr. Dunn Krahl presented two plans to Council. <br />One plan was for a maturity of 20 years the <br />other for 15 years. Mr. Krahl stated that these <br />would be revenue bonds and not general obligation <br />bonds. <br />Mr. Krahl stated that on a revenue situation it <br />is necessary to have coverage; which means the <br />number of times the net revenue produced by a <br />system (Gross revenues minus operation and main- <br />tenance expenses) cover the amount of debt service <br />in anyone year. <br />After Mr. Krahls presentation he requested that <br />Council review the plans and have discussion on <br />them at the next meeting. <br />Co~dlwoman Dhieux asked Mr. Wurl if he felt <br />the City could handle the 15 year plan. Mr. <br />Wurl felt that the City would be able to with <br />no burden. Mr. Wurl stated that he will re- <br />view the plan and give a recommendation at the <br />next meeting. <br /> <br />Mr. Wurl stated that there were two bidders pre- <br />sent, but only one bid was valid because the <br />other bidder would not be able to put up a bid <br />bond. <br /> <br />-3- <br />