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<br />Mayor Waschak asked Mr. Hollenbeck about the water situation, <br />if Sproul woul dfoot the bill for extra water asked for by the <br />City for the development. <br /> <br />Mr. Hollenbeck stated that Sproul would be willing to pay the <br />fee if the City could show them where this extra water is <br />needed on the property the committment will be satisfied. <br /> <br />Councilman Berry questioned Pine Street. Mr. Berry stated that <br />in the future he would not want to see condemnation of land <br />to gain the right-of-way. Mr. Bean stated that they could not <br />say what would positively happen. <br /> <br />Councilman Berry asked that assuming through the agreement, <br />Sproul needs so much water and they pay the amount ot purchase <br />it and put up the facilities needed and then something happens <br />and the development does not take place. What would happen <br />with the facilities and water supply. <br />Mr. Hollenbeck stated that if there was someone there that <br />would be capable of proceeding with development that could use <br />the water, the water could be used to supply the other parties <br />with the understanding that when the original project progresses <br />that there would be replacement water available. <br /> <br />Councilman DelPizzo asked if the water and facilities would be <br />brought in with each phase. Mr. Hollenbeck stated that it <br />would not be this way because of the cost and the buildng of <br />the facilities. <br /> <br />Councilman DelPizzo also asked if upon annexation Sproul would <br />come up with the capitol to purchase the water so it would be <br />available. Mr Hollenbeck stated that was a difficult question. <br />Sprouls discussion with the City staff discussed this with <br />the assumption that the water would be paid by Sproul but the <br />whole ~ was not thought to have to occur immediately. <br />They stated that the purchase would be in process for <br />about 3 years. <br /> <br />Councilman DelPizzo asked if with each phase of the project <br />would the City have any control over the high density, <br />multifamily units. <br />Mr. Hollenbeck stated that there was a master plan and as each <br />phase is brought up it must be processed through the City <br />so there would be some type of control. Councilman DelPizzo <br />asked if Sproul would build the community club house which is <br />in the plans. Mr Hollenbeck stated that the land would be donated <br />by Sproul but the building would not be built by Sproul <br /> <br />Mr. Hollenbeck stated that the first plan did not include a <br />golf course and the City did request that one be included. <br />He stated that the land was broken into two units; a 75 unit <br />parcel which was to be dedicated to the City which would <br />take care of 9 holes of golf and the club house, The other 9 <br />holes, 65 acres, would be reserved for purchase by the City <br />