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<br />if desired. The City wanted Sproul to dedicate the second <br />parcel. Mr. Hollenbeck stated that the dedication of the other <br />65 acres would cause somewhat of an economic burden, but be- <br />cause this is one thing that the City suggested that Sproul do, <br />he felt that Sproul has come to the point where they would giv <br />both parcels of land under the circumstances where the City would <br />have to use that second parcel of land within a certain amount <br />of time for golf course purposes if this was not taken care of, <br />then the second parcel unit of land would be returned to Sproul. <br />Mr. Bean stated that the amount of open land would be about <br />23%, this would include 2 schools, three neighborhood parks, <br />18 hole golf course, the Community Club building and the open <br />space in the amount of 72 acres. <br /> <br />Councilman Domenico asked who would maintain South 80th and <br />Delaney Road. Mr. Hollenbeck stated that when the roads are <br />within property which is annexed, they then become the obligation <br />of the City. It was stated that all roads in the development <br />will be built oy the developer. The roads will be built to <br />City specificatiion. <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />Councilman Dom~nico asked what happens if a portion of the land <br />is sold to a b4ilder and he does not comply with the annex- <br />ation agreemend. Mr. Hollenbeck stated that if a company came <br />in and would n~t comply with the agreement the City just would <br />not approve thelir subdivision. If the subdivision plat has <br />been approved ~d the lots are sold to the builder and he is <br />doing somethingj which does not comply with the agreement, <br />the City would !then go to court and get an injunction to pro- <br />hibit the builder from proceeding to do what is not in com- <br />pliance with th~ agreement. <br /> <br />Mayor Was chak aisked if Sproul had an idea as to when they would <br />be ready to beg~n the project if approved. <br />Sproul represen~atives stated that they could make a deal with <br />American Builders, however, with the economic circumstances it <br />would have to b~ worked with that in mind. <br /> <br />Councilman DiCaflo asked if this million dollars in the bank <br />was ear marked ~or water. Sproul representative stated that <br />this was not do~e. He stated that after the property is totally <br />annexed the monfY becomes available for Sproul to use for the <br />progress of the; development. <br /> <br />I <br />Mr. Wurl statedithat it was the staff recommendation that the <br />last 75 acres of the golf course, the library site and the <br />hospital site atl be dedicated to the City by Sproul Mr. <br />Wurl ran throug~ the recommendations that had been made by <br />the staff. <br />