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<br />~,~~ If <br /> <br />,",.,.._<_.~.J. <br /> <br />--- <br /> <br />Page - 3 - <br /> <br />As traffic engineer, Chief Munger recommended that more Stop Signs be in- <br />stalled on streets going north and south. Max to get a report from the Chief <br />and present to Council. Dennis ~lndberg said he was under the impression if <br />our HUD grant goes through, money for the S-::,Q;) signs could be drawn from this <br />fund. <br /> <br />CITY ATTORNEYS REPORT: Progress is moving along on the Sanitation-Water merger. <br />Attorney Clifford is up-dating the final fi:l[~~d 31 statement on Sanitation. <br />!'1et Hith the .Judg3, :hearing tempo:;.~aril:y- set up for 2h Hay 1972 at 11:00 a.m. <br />Ey 2)4. June 1572 should have merGer completcd if all goes well. Purchase of <br />l1ayhoffer prop8rty held up pending furthDr inforr:'2tion on Government Gra..'1t. <br />O!1DINANCE BOOKS and Municipal Code books ,:ere cor:pleted and gi ven to aJl <br />Corncil men. Clty Clerl~ instructed by Eaycr to give copies of all future <br />Ordinances to Council mcmber;::: a:3: they ,u'e completed. <br />Cl:U.'f Brock's application for Equal' JiceTIsc to be acted upon at 'Ll-Je adjourned <br />meeting April 24, 1972. <br /> <br />Copies of Disclosure Statement for Urban Rerewal to be given to Council Hembers <br />at adjourned meeting for signature. <br /> <br />Heet,ing adjourned until l"onday ~~4 April 1972. <br />