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<br />Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />August 12, 2009 <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />Larry suggested a section on the webpage allow for community input and <br />updating. Tom said that he felt the Board should have more control but that the <br />suggestion of community involvement would be good. <br /> <br />Tom asked Joe Stevens how OSAB would create/update a new web page. Joe <br />replied that the City is currently working on improving and updating the City's web <br />page; however, the City is facing budget cuts due to the downturn in the <br />economy and that the updates may not be in the near future. Joe also suggested <br />that the City's webmaster attend an OSAB meeting so we can be informed as to <br />how the City can implement updates/improvements. Truman suggested that a list <br />of ideas be created to guide the conversation. <br /> <br />Discussion Item: Dog off Leash Survey <br />Tom informed the board that the online survey has been completed and that it <br />would be a good time to open up to the public for additional input. Tom asked the <br />board if any additional questions should be added to the survey. The Board had <br />no additional questions to add and that the survey is ready to go public. Tom <br />stated that he would launch the survey prior to the next OSAB meeting in <br />September. <br /> <br />Discussion Items for Next Meeting <br />Discussion items: Rescheduling the November meeting, Website improvements <br />Updates: Joint meeting with City of Boulder OSMP and Renaming Tamarisk <br /> <br />Adjourn - The meeting was adjourned at 8:34pm. <br />