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<br />Davidson instructed City staff to arrange for a neighborhood meeting at the Louisville Recreation <br />Center to discuss what can or cannot be done and called for enhanced police presence in the <br />neighborhood in the meantime. <br /> <br />Sisk offered a friendly suggestion that Council indicate a time frame in which this meeting would <br />take place, possibly within the next twenty to thirty days. <br /> <br />Bill Simmons, City Administrator, replied that the meeting would be arranged as soon as possible, <br />based upon Council schedules, meeting room availability, and notification to all the residents in the <br />area. <br /> <br />Bob Muckle, 1101 Lincoln Av:enue, Louisville, Colorado, thanked Council for the opportunity to <br />speak and offered his congratulations on the purchase of the Warembourg property. He felt this <br />purchase would be a legacy for Louisville. He stated he has a concern about traffic control at the <br />Dillon Road and 96th Street interchange. He understands plans are underway to install a signal light, <br />but he would like to see a modern round-about instead. He presented copies of an article from a <br />traffic trade journal citing the success of a traffic circle installed in the town of Vail. <br /> <br />Tom MacAdam, 717 Nighthawk Circle, Louisville, Colorado, agreed with Muckle on the success <br />of traffic circles. He then expressed his concern for how the traffic problem surveys from the <br />neighborhood were interpreted. He stated that two thirds of the neighborhood surveys were returned <br />and all of those responding indicated they would like something to be done to resolve the problem. <br />He thanked Councilmembers Mayer and Howard and Tom Phare, Public Works Director, for their <br />efforts and assistance in this matter. <br /> <br />Howard encouraged the Nighthawk Circle residents to invite all their neighbors to attend the next <br />neighborhood meeting to discuss the viable options and resolve this issue. <br /> <br />COUNCIL INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS ON PERTINENT ITEMS NOT ON THE <br />AGENDA <br /> <br />Keany thanked the volunteers and City staff for the wonderfully coordinated July 4th event. He <br />stated the day was truly an asset for the community. <br /> <br />Sisk agreed with Keany and singled-out Kristin Goodyear and Meredyth Muth for their extraordinary <br />contributions. He felt that having the great-grandson of Louis Nawatny, the founder of Louisville, <br />in attendance added to the event. <br /> <br />Howard agreed with Keany and Sisko He feels it is a great family activity and also thanked Percy and <br />Caroline Connoroe for bringing Mr. Nawatny and his wife to Louisville. Their attendance brought <br />the history of Louisville alive. <br /> <br />Davidson thanked the councilmembers for grilling and serving hotdogs for the event. <br /> <br />3 <br />