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Sisk offered a friendly amendment concerning No. 3, to add that the recessed glazing be significant <br />and pronounced and be done through direction and in conjunction with Paul Wood to break up the <br />building.. <br />Howard accepted that. <br />RECESS <br />Keany asked for a three minute recess to look more closely at the model. <br />MEETING RESUMED <br />Davidson called the meeting back to order. <br />Howard revised his motion to delete "west" from the No. (1) portion of his motion. Seconder Sisk <br />accepted that. Roll call was taken. Motion passed by a 6 0 vote with Lathrop being absent. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 8, SERIES 1997 SETTING A GOAL LIMITING THE NUMBER OF <br />RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED IN CALENDAR YEAR 1997 <br />Bill Simmons, City Administrator, explained that Resolution No. 36, Series 1993, established goals <br />and policies for the management of growth and development within the City of Louisville. Paragraph <br />4 of that resolution required the City Council to review annually the goal for the number of residential <br />building permits issued in a calendar year. Resolution No. 8 stated that the City Council would strive <br />to limit the number of residential building permits issued in 1997, so as not to exceed 75 single family <br />equivalent. For that number, Single Family is one, Single Family Attached is .8, and a Multi Family <br />would be .6. <br />Davidson called for Council comments. <br />Davidson recalled that he authored Resolution 36 in 1993 when Louisville was building 600 <br />houses a year. <br />Davidson called for anyone wishing to speak on this resolution. <br />Dave Krutzman, 1392 Mountain Pines Road, was concerned about the new housing limit because it <br />would affect his livelihood as he had an investment in Louisville of $100,000 in infrastructure so far <br />and about $2 million that he was planned to add in houses. <br />Davidson pointed out that the City had been doing this since 1993 and had not been rushed for <br />building permits yet. He stated that this is not a growth cap, but a goal. <br />Krutzman understood and was relieved. <br />5 <br />