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<br />Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />October 14, 2009 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />suggestion for an alarm site. Alan also provided photos of the area of his <br />suggested alarm site and additional photos of the area. Alan then described <br />research that he did suggesting that the possible sound levels are concerning <br />and dangerous for many nearby residents. <br /> <br />Tom Davinroy said that he reviewed Article 15 of the City Charter and Master <br />Plan and found that view sheds or corridors are deemed valuable in those two <br />documents. Tom also suggested there might be an impact to both Harper Lake <br />or Davidson Mesa wildlife. Based on these findings Tom said that City of <br />Louisville staff were asked to look for other suitable sites. <br /> <br />Chief Goodman indicated that the OSAB did not recommend the current <br />suggested site. The current suggested site was recommended by Chief <br />Goodman and Joe Stevens - Parks & Rec Director because of no existing <br />underground utilities and existing space for a large truck for installation purposes. <br /> <br />John Landow asked what the designation is between City Open Space and other <br />City lands. Tom Davinroy indicated that there are simply boundary lines drawn <br />and zoned. <br /> <br />John Landow asked what the justification was for a warning siren system. Chief <br />Goodman said that the proposed tower is part of a warning notification system <br />that reaches 95 percent of Louisville residents. Chief Goodman then described <br />the possible testing schedule. <br /> <br />Trish Devlin asked what other locations have been considered. Chief Goodman <br />indicated that there are other possible sites but the current recommended site is <br />the highest priority site at this time. <br /> <br />Pete Clements said that he was also surprised and disappointed that more <br />residents were not notified. Chief Goodman indicated that there was a published <br />City Council agenda four times. <br /> <br />Tom Davinroy commended Chief Goodman for alerting a resident about the <br />upcoming Open Space Advisor Board meeting. Chief Goodman suggested that <br />this discussion of sirens and location should be directed at the City Council. <br /> <br />AI Permit suggested that the proposed location appears on the Open Space map <br />to be on designated Open Space. Ember Brignull responded that the map is <br />incorrect and the current proposed site is not on designated Open Space. <br /> <br />AI Permit asked if view corridors through designated Open Space would be <br />impacted by the proposed tower and whether a possible negative impact on a <br />view corridor be considered by the OSAB. <br /> <br />Tom Davinroy indicated that there would likely be a view corridor impact. <br />