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ORDINANCE NO. 1263, SERIES 1997 CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR <br />NOVEMBER 4, 1997, TO BE CONDUCTED AS A COORDINATED ELECTION, TO <br />REFER ONE OR MORE BALLOT ISSUES TO A VOTE OF THE REGISTERED <br />ELECTORS OF THE CITY, AND ELECTING TO UTILIZE THE REQUIREMENTS OF <br />THE UNIFORM ELECTION CODE OF 1992 1ST READING SET PUBLIC HEARING <br />7/15/97 <br />Griffiths read by title only Ordinance No. 1263, Series 1997, "An ordinance calling a special election <br />for November 4, 1997, to be conducted as a coordinated election, to refer one or more ballot issues <br />to a vote of the registered electors of the City, and electing to utilize the requirements of the Uniform <br />Election Code of 1992." <br />Davidson explained that this would be calling a special election under the Tabor Amendment to <br />approve the IGA with Superior. <br />Sisk hoped that the final draft of the agreement would be forwarded to Council on July` 15. The <br />voters will be asked to approve this agreement providing a shared tax base, 2.7% for Louisville. It <br />also discussed- Interchange improvements and a mechanism by which a committee would be <br />appointed. On the Interchange, Louisville would be given a $5 million credit for contributions made <br />so far on the Interchange. As part of this agreement Louisville would receive all property located <br />north of Hwy. 36, the five acre CDOT property. <br />Mayer moved that Council approve Ordinance No. 1263, Series 1997, calling a special election for <br />November 4, 1997, and set the public hearing for July 15, 1997, seconded by Levihn. All in favor <br />except Howard. <br />CONSIDERATION OF A REVOCABLE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR LOT 1, BLOCK <br />3 OF PONDEROSA SUBDIVISION <br />Paul Wood, Planning Director, stated that this is on Quail Court. The issue is the location of the <br />building relative to easements. At the time of plan review staff did not catch the fact that there are <br />two 8' easements running parallel to the site property lines. Permits were issued. The situation can <br />be remedied through this agreement. The closing of the property will be July 10. <br />Davidson called for Council questions or comments. <br />Mayer noticed that the wood retaining wall is in the drainage easement and wondered if this would <br />create any drainage problems. <br />Tom Phare, Public Works Director stated that it was checked and none were anticipated. <br />Sisk wanted this license agreement recorded before the Deed of Trust is recorded. <br />8 <br />