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defraying in part the costs of public parking and parking-related facilities to serve Downtown <br />Louisville, and not for general City purposes; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the parking requirements for freestanding <br />buildings within Downtown Louisville occupied solely by a restaurant use should be calculated by <br />reference to only the floor area designed primarily for public use; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council finds that such a change to the parking requirements for <br />freestanding restaurants is desirable and appropriate because of other benefits provided to the City <br />and its citizens from such establishments, including but not limited to sales tax revenues, local <br />dining opportunities, and enhancement of the mixed use and "small town" character of Downtown <br />Louisville. <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br />OF LOUISVILLE, COLORADO: <br /> <br /> Section 1. Section 17.20.025 of the Louisville Municipal Code is hereby amended to <br />read as follows (words to be added are in CAPITAL LETTERS; words to be deleted are in <br /> <br />Sec. 17.20.025. Parking standards designated for Downtown Louisville <br /> A. WITHIN DOWNTOWN LOUISVILLE, At the time of ANY <br />BUll JDING CONSTRUCTION, EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION THAT T!-m~ <br />EOC:t-,~Tr~.T t~: ^n~y ~,mxxr eTDITt"""PITDI~ A~,TD~ AT ~rm:: ,rr~sc rm <br /> <br />~OOR ~A xXZ~H~] ~xx~xx~t t ~t ttexrn t c off-street p~ng spaces <br />shall ~ provided at a ratio of one p~hng space per 4~ squ~e feet of ~W floor <br />~ea OF ett~u nmxx~ ~D cvuan~c~ e~tt~,tt~n rounded to newest 4~ <br />squ~e feet. <br /> B. ~e ~ea me~ured for pu~ses of this Section sh~l include ~1 floor <br />~ea ~ defined in Section 17.08.165, EXCE~ THAT T~ ~A MEASU~D <br />W~H ~SPECT TO A ~EST~G BU~D~G OCCUP~D SOLELY BY <br />A ~STAU~ USE S~ ~CL~E O~Y T~ ~OOR A~A <br />DESIG~D P~A~Y FOR P~LIC USE, EXCLUS~ OF ~OOR ~A <br />~~ BATHROOMS ~ ~OOR ~A DESIG~D P~A~Y FOR <br />USE BY SERVICE ~D FOOD P~P~TION ST~. <br /> C. If p~king sp~e h~ ~en provided in connection wi~ P~I existing <br />~OOR a, ~A STRUCTUP~ OR USE or is added in connection wi~ P~I existing <br />~OOR ~Ao..-~. ~.~ ~.. tte~o~, the existing p~king space sh~l not ~ <br />eliminated if eli~nation would result in less space for the existing floor ~ea than <br />the ratio set foah in Subsection A of this Section. ~erefom, existing p~hng may <br />~ credited to the p~king requirement of Subsection A of ~is Section only if the <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br /> <br />