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such a budget. All expenditures and commitments of monetary funds and contracts shall <br />be subject to the established financial policies of the city in effect at that time. <br /> <br />Sec. 4.02.040. Ongoing Duties. <br /> <br /> A. The Board shall, from time to time, review the classification system for <br />Open Space and recommend any changes to the classification system. <br /> <br /> B. The Board shall, from time to time, review the Open Space Master Plan and <br />make recommendations for changes to such plan based on new information and or <br />circumstances affecting open space land. <br /> <br /> C. The Board shall inventory and provide recommendations to City Council for <br />the classification of any Open Space acquired by the City after the enactment of this <br />ordinance. <br /> <br /> D. The Board shall provide comments to the Council and/or Planning <br />Commission on development proposals for land immediately adjacent to, or materially <br />impacting, Open Space lands providing the comments are provided during the standard <br />referral timelines established for the city's development processes. Staff will coordinate <br />providing the Board with information on pending issues to provide the Board a timely <br />opportunity to provide such comments as part of the established planning process. <br /> <br />E. Provide input on the location of trails and paths on Open Space lands. <br /> <br />the Plan. <br /> <br />Provide input to the Planning Commission and City Council on revisions of <br /> <br /> G. Work with city staff to periodically review and evaluate the management <br />policies and procedures of Open Space lands, and make recommendations to Council <br />as to any desired changes regarding such management policies and procedures. <br /> <br /> H. Provide recommendations as to how Open Space within the city's <br />boundaries and immediately adjacent thereto can best coexist with surrounding private <br />land. <br /> <br /> I. Provide recommendations as to how the City can manage park and other <br />land adjacent to Open Space lands in a manner that best promotes the continued <br />integrity of Open Space. <br /> <br />J. Provide recommendations for weed management. <br /> <br /> K. Provide recommendations for environmental education that address <br />management issues including ways to minimize impacts to native flora and fauna. <br /> <br />L. Provide a forum for citizen comment on open space and trails issues. <br /> <br /> M. Provide any additional recommendation on open space issues the Board <br />finds appropriate. <br /> <br /> <br />