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Board of Adjustment Agenda and Packet 2009 11 18
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2009 Board of Adjustment Agendas and Packets
Board of Adjustment Agenda and Packet 2009 11 18
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3/11/2021 2:27:17 PM
Creation date
12/28/2009 10:39:08 AM
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BOAPKT 2009 11 18
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be located on would be the 20 foot wide alley that is currently the rear of the existing property. If the <br />subdivision were completed, the existing home would meet the setback requirements. The existing <br />garage would become the principal structure on the westerly lot. The required principal structure front <br />setback (alley side) is 20 feet. The garage would encroach 5 feet 6 inches into this required 20 foot front <br />setback resulting in a 14 feet 6 inch setback. In order for the subdivision to be approved, the garage <br />must first be granted a variance from the Old Town Overlay District requirements. <br />The subdivision of the property would also result in a variance from Sec. 17.12.050 of the LMC which <br />states; <br />G. Access and front setback requirements for garages. Where a developed alley <br />with a minimum right-of-way width of 15 feet, or a side street, adjoins a rear <br />or side lot line of a lot, access to a garage or off-street parking space from a <br />street adjoining a front lot line shall be prohibited. Where the only access <br />available to a lot is from a street adjoining the front lot line, the minimum <br />front yard setback for an attached or detached garage shall be not less than 20 <br />feet greater than the setback between the front property line and the front <br />building line of the dwelling. <br />The LMC defines a street as "the entire width between the boundary lines of every way which provides <br />for public use for the purpose of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and placement of utilities; and <br />includes the terms "road," "highway," "land," 'Place," "avenue," and "alley," or other similar <br />designations." If the parcel is subdivided, the only access to the lot with the garage on it will be from <br />the street (alley) adjoining the front lot line. Section 17.20.050 of the LMC requires that the garage be <br />setback 20 feet greater than the setback between the front property line and the front building line of the <br />dwelling in this situation. As it is currently built, the garage is not setback from the dwelling at all. The <br />location of the garage would require a variance. <br />The applicant is requesting two variances to allow the current garage to encroach 5 feet 6 inches into the <br />required 20 foot front setback and to allow an attached garage with a setback that is not 20 feet greater <br />than the setback between the front property line and the front building line of the dwelling. The Board <br />of Adjustment has the authority to grant or deny these requests. There is not a pending application for a <br />subdivision, and it is not the Board of Adjustment's responsibility to review subdivisions. The Planning <br />Commission will hear the subdivision request as a separate application. <br />REVIEW CRITERIA: <br />The BOA has authority to hear and decide, grant or deny this application for variances from Section <br />17.12.050.F and 17.12.050.G of the LMC by the powers granted the BOA in Section 17.48.110 of the <br />LMC. The BOA may grant a variance only if it makes findings that all of the criteria, as established <br />under Section 17.48.110.B.1-6, have been satisfied, insofar as applicable: <br />The applicant has provided a written analysis of the variance criteria, which has been included in the <br />BOA packet materials. Following is a staff review and analysis of the variance criteria. <br />3 <br />
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