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RESPONSE: The residence on 533 County Road was built in 1953. Later additions included a <br />second story and rear deck. The residence at the rear of the lot was built in <br />In 2008 the applicant constructed a second single family residence on the rear portion of the long <br />parcel. The Assessor file shows the property to be "single family residence" totaling 2,208 <br />square feet. This three-room residence contains one bedroom, one bath and a large 768 square <br />foot garage. <br />4. That such unnecessary hardship has not been created by the applicant. <br />RESPONSE: The unusual shape of the lot was not created by the applicant. The older house <br />was sited and built by a previous owner. The location of the accessory dwelling was a mistake in <br />siting the dwelling. There was plenty of room on the large narrow lot, but the contractor failed to <br />locate the dwelling 20 feet from the alley. <br />5. That the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the <br />neighborhood or district in which the property is located, nor substantially or <br />permanently impair the appropriate use or development of adjacent property. <br />RESPONSE: The character of the neighborhood will not be altered. This is an existing <br />dwelling, no new construction will take place. <br />6. That the variance, if granted, is a minimum variance that will afford relief and is <br />the least modification possible or the provisions of this title (Louisville zoning code) <br />which are in question. <br />RESPONSE: This is the only variance needed. Since this is an existing dwelling, a five-foot <br />variance is the minimum needed. The location of this dwelling, on the alley, will not alter the <br />neighborhood. The only dwellings to use the alley for access are the dwellings to the North. <br />Permitting the use of the dwelling will serve to allow compact and efficient land use in the <br />Downtown area. <br />