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<br />Superior and Broomfield to discuss the site plan with Conoco Phillips. The <br />meeting will be held in City Council Chambers at 7pm. <br />4. Study session with City Council scheduled for February 9, 2010, time <br />TBA. <br />5. The city has received two requests from Xcel Energy for easements <br />across open space. To be discussed at next meeting. <br />6. Davidson Mesa crosswalk update. Money has been allocated as part <br />of the capital improvement budget. The project may be combined with <br />parking lot redesign. Surface crossing improvements expected in 2011. <br />7. Volunteer appreciation dinner on Monday went well. It may be <br />scheduled earlier in the season for 2010 in order to increase participation. <br /> <br />Board Updates <br />Tom and Truman reiterated the success of the volunteer dinner and <br />appreciation to staff for putting it on. <br /> <br />Renaming Tamarisk Open Space <br />Tom invited public comments to open the discussion. Drew Beckwith (101 <br />S. Buchanan Ct.) recommends the name "Cattail". He also put in a <br />recommendation from Kristen Edar (608 Spruce Circle) who was not <br />present, of "Coyote Gulch". <br />The OSAB members reviewed the short list of names that made it through <br />previous screens and voted to determine the final candidate. "Coyote <br />Run" was selected based on votes from Tom, Larry, and Linda. A <br />proposal to change the name of Tamarisk Open Space to "Coyote Run" <br />will be presented to Council at the February study session. It will include a <br />summary of the process employed to select the name. Linda <br />recommended that staff notify the person who submitted the name. <br /> <br />Parking and Traffic Issues on Open Space <br />The board discussed ideas for addressing the parking issues at Davidson <br />Mesa. Truman suggested putting up signs in the parking lot that advised <br />visitors of additional parking at Harper Lake. Tom volunteered to draft a <br />letter to the Police Department to increase attention to the parking <br />problem. Tom will also correspond with Ember about advertising the <br />Davidson Dog Off-Leash Area survey. <br /> <br />Ember also brought up the Daughenbaugh parking issue where cars <br />occasionally drive to the fishing pond. They plan to use droppable <br />bollards to prevent vehicle access and are currently investigating <br />suppliers. <br /> <br />Sales Tax <br />Since the current tax expires in 2014, the board wants to prepare for a <br />vote to renew it. Joe suggested discussing the issue at the city council <br />study session. The tax also covers parks. The board would like to <br />