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NONE <br /> <br /> RECONSIDERATION OF COLONY SQUARE ORDINANCE NO. 1279, SERIES 1998 <br />Davidson called for Council action. <br /> <br />Lathrop moved that Council reconsider Ordinance No. 1279, Series 1998, seconded by Keany. <br />Davidson called for Council comments and questions. <br /> <br />Lathrop stated that the applicant was not in attendance when this item was previously considered and <br />Council was not aware that there were active negotiations in continuation at that time. Council did <br />not have the information currently available to them when they denied Ordinance No. 1279, Series <br />1998 and asked that Council reconsider this item at the next regularly scheduled meeting. <br /> <br />Davidson asked that a public meeting for Ordinance No. 1279, Series 1998, be published and <br />reconsideration of the ordinance be placed on the agenda for the next City Council meeting. <br /> <br />Roll call was taken. Motion passed by a 5-2 vote, with Mayer and Davidson voting against. <br /> <br />DISCUSSION/DIRECTION - FINAL PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR AVISTA <br /> ADVENTIST HOSPITAL - 100 HEALTH PARK DRIVE <br /> <br />Davidson called for staff introduction. <br /> <br />Paul Wood, Planning Director, stated that Avista Adventist Hospital has submitted a Final PUD <br />Development Plan for the addition of a second medical office building and below grade accessory <br />parking structure. The proposed 70,000 sfthree-story building is consistent with the existing medical <br />office building. The two buildings will be connected by a three-story atrium/lobby area which will <br />serve as the main entry for both. The parking structure is exclusively for the parking requirements <br />of the office building. The two-level structure is designed to be a surface parking lot with subsurface <br />parking below. This lot will provide a ratio of 5 spaces per 1000 sf. Berming and additional <br />landscaping are being incorporated to screen the above grade portion of the structure from the patient <br />wing to the north and should also be incorporated to screen the parking from the US 36 corridor. The <br />proposed building expansion is consistent with the 2nd amendment (1989) of the Preliminary PUD <br />Concept Plan which was initially approved in 1987 when the ground was annexed and zoned <br />Agricultural. The applicant has submitted a request to rezone the property from A to PCZD-C. Staff <br />has asked for further explanation of parking demand and utilization, as well as justification of the <br />proposed parking ratio of 4 spaces per 1,000 sf.; additional PUD information related to parking <br />structure and building elevations; further evaluation and modification of pedestrian circulation; and <br />modifications to the lighting and landscape plans. <br /> <br /> <br />