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Dianne Ray, Finance Director, stated that the funds are available from the 1997 sales tax collected <br />in excess of projected revenues. <br /> <br />Sisk suggested Council authorize a contract for services not to exceed $57,000 and include the <br />Mayor's signature on the contract. <br /> <br />Howard moved that council authorize the expenditure of up to $57,000 for a contract with Centura <br />Information Systems, Inc., for consulting services with the following deliverables: <br /> Develop an architectural plan; <br /> Develop a migration plan; <br /> Project management; <br />Systems and network installation and integration; <br />Application integration support; <br />and authorize the Mayor to review and sign the contract, seconded by Levihn. Roll call was taken. <br />Motion passed by a 6-0 vote. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION No. 29, SERIES 1998 - FINAL SUBDIVISION REPLAT CENTENNIAL <br />VALLEY FILING No. 7 AND A PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN ON LOT 2 FOR SAM'S <br />CLUB <br /> <br />Davidson called for staff introduction. <br /> <br />Paul Wood, Planning Director, stated Resolution No. 29 brings forth a Final Subdivision Replat for <br />Centennial Valley Filing No. 7 and a PUD Development Plan for Lot 2, Sam's Club. This plat <br />proposes to divide two lots into three. The most significant issue on the plat is relative to the no- <br />build easement proposed. A no-build easement is currently being drafted by the City Attorney's <br />office. The on-site open space has increased to 21%, with total open space coverage now at 26.7%. <br />In response to a Planning Commission finding, the PUD landscape plan has been revised by note to <br />reflect that decorative rock may not constitute more than fifty percent of the total mulched area. On- <br />site tree counts have been increased by fifty-one percent over the original submittal. The counts, <br />spacing, and location are consistent with the CDDSG requirements. Primary access points are <br />generally consistent with currently platted access easements. No access is proposed between Lot 1 <br />and the adjoining Lot 12 of the proposed subdivision. The number of parking spaces have been <br />reduced to 604 spaces, exceeding the minimum by 28 spaces. Also in response to a Planning <br />Commission finding the applicant is preparing a traffic study. The interest of the City in requiring <br />a traffic study is to evaluate impacts on the adjoining public street system based upon a Parcel 'O' <br />build-out. The study should indicate if warrants will be triggered for the signalization at the <br />intersection of West Cherry and Dahlia Streets. A May 16, 1998 letter from WalMart indicates the <br />store will require 8-10 track/trailer deliveries per week, as well as 4-6 smaller truck deliveries from <br />local vendors each day. Architecturally, the building generally complies with City requirements <br />regarding materials and level of detailing. In order for the building to incorporate 128,000 sf, given <br />the type of construction, the Uniform Building Code (UBC) requires that the structure must be <br />entirely surrounded and adjoined by public ways or yards at least 60 feet in width. The purpose of <br /> <br /> <br />