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<br />Youth Advisory Board <br />Meeting Minutes <br />2/4/10 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />. Mandy thought about trying to sell the daffodils at the Royal Ball so that the girls could <br />take the bears home and then pick up the flowers in March. <br /> <br />a. February <br /> <br />. Royal Ball, February 6th, 1 :30-5pm - Sign up sheet was passed around for who will <br />be attending the event to help out. <br /> <br />. Heat Relief Dinner, February 18th. Shifts: 4-8:30/4-6:30/6:30-8:30AII of the <br />proceeds got to seniors who cannot pay for their heating bills, Pasta costs $8. <br /> <br />. A sign up sheet was also passed around for those who could work the different shifts. <br /> <br />b. March - St. Patty's Day Dinner for Seniors, March 18th, 5:15-7:15pm. <br /> <br />. Brooke brought up that her Irish step dancing class could come and dance at the <br />dinner if more entertainment was needed. <br /> <br />. This event was described to members and a sign-up sheet will be passed around at <br />the March 2010 meeting. Check your calendars beforehand! <br /> <br />VII. CML "If I were Mayor..." Contest <br /> <br />. 7th graders write an essay about what they would do if they were the mayor. The four <br />winners will win a savings bond and will also get a certificate and then will have the <br />opportunity to go to the meeting in the mountains during the summer. <br /> <br />. Brooke and Joi are going to give the information to the teachers about possibly making <br />it a class project. There will also be a pamphlet in the teen center in the library. <br /> <br />VIII. Discuss other city boards and commissions <br /> <br />. Brooke went to the city council meeting during January. <br /> <br />1. The mayor talked about the closing of Sam's Club. <br />2. Paul Wood (Planning Director) announced his resignation. <br />3. The new name for the Tamarisk Open Space property will be Coyote Run. <br />4. Discussed approval of a new gas station on Dillon Road. <br /> <br />IX. Further goal setting discussion concerning the upcoming term <br />a. Bus schedule around Monarch <br /> <br />. Lynx meeting is being held tonight about shutting down the bus all together. Leslie was <br />there to advocate for the Monarch students. She will be letting the meeting members <br />know that if they changed the schedule just a little bit then their riders would go up <br />considerably. <br /> <br />b. Volunteer-a-thon <br /> <br />. We no longer have a contact at Volunteer Connection. <br /> <br />. Most achievable is doing the volunteer-a-thon on a smaller scale, because of the <br />money Issue. <br />